••☆ Chapter 30: "Painful Choice" (Part 2) ☆••

Start from the beginning

He immediately answered the door. "What did you say?" he asked in a confused tone.

"There's a package for Rose, sir." she repeated.

He saw the box on the floor. He lifted it and took it inside his room. He put it on the table and read the note on the top.

From: Nora Gilberts
To: Rosalyn Jill Carson

Curious, he removed the packaging tapes and opened it. Inside, he found some belongings of Rose's parents. Then, among the documents, he found something that shocked him.

He felt immensely devastated thinking that if only the package came earlier, Rose would have made a different decision, but knowing it was already too late, his sorrows returned to him more intensely.


After a few days, while Dylan was looking for a shirt to wear, he found one he did not recognize. It was a blue shirt that had a print on front.

- Keep your eyes open -

After he read it, he remembered where it came from. It was the shirt Rose picked for him the day they swam together in her secret lake. He took it from the closet and put it on.

As he was fixing his stuff on the table, his phone beeped. He grabbed it and saw a text message from Serena. He opened it.

- Hey, let's go out tomorrow. It's Valentine's Day! -

After he read it, he thought about what he would do with his life, now that Rose was gone.

He looked back at Serena's message and stared at it. At that moment, he was thinking that maybe it was really time for him to forget her and move on since there's no more reason for him to keep her in his heart and mind.

After a moment in sadness and despair, he went back to his phone and tapped his reply.

- Okay -


The next day, Serena and Dylan went out for a date. They ate at a restaurant and took a walk together.

Dylan was quiet almost the whole time. Serena noticed it, but she ignored it thinking that he was still in the process of accepting his loss. She held his hand all throughout their time together. He didn't complain.

After their date, he took her back home. Before she left the car, she gave him a present.

"For you" she said.

"Thanks" he replied, smiling distantly.

"I know you're still not okay after what Rose did... I just want you to know... I'm still waiting." she told him.

He looked at her, then he nodded.

As he was driving back home, he thought of what Serena had told him. He remembered it was what Rose wanted him to do after all. She wanted him to be with someone better than her in material things. If not in that way, he still believed she's the best in many other things, but with a heavy heart, he finally gave up.

After buying a blue rose in a flower shop, he drove to Manhattan and went to the Trinity Church. When he arrived, he climbed the staircase of the tower until he reached the belfry.

There, he went to the same window Rose had taken him on his birthday. On the window sill, he put the blue rose and uttered his final goodbye to his feelings in his mind. After that, he took one last look at the view as the wind was blowing, then he left.


"I'll be quick!" Rose yelled.

"Don't run! Watch your steps, young lady!" Mr. Gus yelled back.

"Okay!" she replied.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she slowed down as she caught her breath. Then, she carefully entered the doorway and walked to the window. As she was approaching it, she noticed a flower on the sill.

"A blue rose? ...Is this for me?" she asked, looking up at the sky. "Thanks. I'll keep it. (sighed) I'm leaving today with my friends. I don't know when I will be back ...or if I will still come back... but I'm here to play for you before I go." she said.

She opened her violin case and took her instrument out of it. Then, she put it on her shoulder and began to release a beautiful music.

The wind was blowing strongly. Her long, blue hair was swaying on her back like waves in the ocean. At that moment, she could feel that God was listening to her melody, and He's using the wind to respond to her.

Before she ended the piece, she silently uttered her last farewell to the very important person in her life that she would never cross path again.

The End


(Nah, I'm just kidding. Go ahead and proceed to the Final Chapter!)

To be continued....

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