Episode 2: The Rangers' Guild

Start from the beginning

"I hope you understand the various classes" Master Jin said.

"Yep! I sure do!" Reis laughed.

"Hmm, what a smart boy" Master Jin praised as he entered the house.

"K-Kyla? Can you explain again 'cos I pretty much got nothing" Reis admitted.

Kyla and Shin nearly collapsed from surprise.

"Honestly Reis, you're one screwed up guy" Shin joked.

After they had all entered the house, Reis remained in the hall while Kyla and Shin prepared room for him He couldn't help staring around since he had never been in such a magnificent house before.

"Reis, now that we're alone, I want to give you some piece of advice" Master Jin said.

"Advice?" Reis wondered.

"Yes, in the whole world, not one person except for you can use elemental abilities without sharing the power of a dragon. That is very rare and may be considered by some as a bad omen. So I advise you not to use your abilities in public unless you have no other choice" Master Jin advised.

At that moment, Kyla and Shin came down the stairs.

"Kyla, Shin, why don't you show Reis around the Guild" Master Jin suggested.

"That would be great!" Reis exclaimed excitedly.

"Sure, we'll leave right away" Shin said.

"Come on Reis" Kyla called.

Kyla, Shin and Reis left the Ayenhayze residence. They walked around the guild. Kyla and Shin led Reis to all the popular sites in the guild such as the weapon and armour shops, Old Lady Kamikaze restaurant and many others. Next, they took Reis to the edge of a very dense forest.

"This is the Forest Of Awakening" Kyla said.

"The surviving dragons dwell at the heart of the forest in the Cave Of Shadows. You'll soon be sent to awaken the dragon that will choose you" Shin explained.

"I see" Reis said silently.

"Great! Now let's go to the park" Shin suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Kyla agreed and they went to the park.

It was a large green field with all sorts of entertaining structures.

"It's been quite a while. Let's have a mini Drakan Tournament!" Shin suggested as he cracked his knuckles.

There were four other Dragon Rangers on the field about their age.

"A mini Dra-what?" Reis asked.

"A mini Drakan Tournament, it's a duel and it's also practice for the main event that's coming on next week" Kyla explained.

"In this duel, two Dragon Students fight against each other at a time. The one that is knocked out or gives up first loses" Shin added.

"Great! Can I play?" Reis asked.

"But you don't have a dragon partner yet" Kyla said.

Reis recalled Master Jin's warning.

"You're right, I'll just watch" Reis said.

At that moment, they noticed a boy and girl about Reis' age approaching them. The boy had fiery red hair and he looked very serious. So serious in fact, that Reis thought he looked conceited. The girl on the other hand was very pretty, she had long flowing golden hair and pretty light blue eyes. Reis could not help but stare at her. Shin gave Reis a nudge on the shoulder.

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