Amelie POV

I was super excited to go to the pool

Since the model agency I work with has some connections we got the pool all to ourselves

It's pretty crazy that people now don't only want pictures of us but more of Belle this little girl here would be more famous than all of us combined 

"Princess you excited to go swimming " Blake

"Yessss I'm so excited to become a mermaid " she said while twirling around Blake and I laughed at her cuteness

"Okay Belle then let's go change" I told her while we went to the dressing rooms to put on our bathing suits

"Wow aunty am you look super pretty" Aww my heart

"Thank you butterfly you look so beautiful "

"Aunty am you're one of my favorite aunties" she said smiling from ear to ear

Aww I don't think she has any idea how much that means to me

"I love you so much Belle" I brought her into a warm hug and I swear tears were coming out of my eyes she wiped them off while giggling and kissing my forehead

God do I love this angel

We finally went out and Belle runned up to Blakes Arms while he spinned her around

"Princess you look so pretty " he told her while she went running off

"And you my love look incredibly stunning" he brought me in for a tender kiss that filled my heart with happiness

"Thank you baby you look so handsome "

Then we saw Belle already going down the stairs of the pool and oh fuck

She fell down

Blake and I runned to get her he jumped into the pool and took her out

Blake POV

When I saw Belle fall into the pool my heart literally stopped I wouldn't resist if something happened to her because of me plus I wouldn't be alive Bryce would kill me literally burn me alive

I got her out and thankfully she was ok

Am went to go get a blanket for her

" baby are you ok" she nodded at me but she looked afraid

"Are you hurt"

"Do you feel bad"

"Princess talk to me"

"I'm scared" she whispered while I brought her into my chest

"Shshshsh it's okay baby you're okay"

I felt terrible

After 10 minutes of rocking her on my chest a smile started forming on her lips literally lifting all of my problems away

"Are you okay now butterfly" Am asked her while placing a strand of hair under her ear and caressing her cheek

"Yeah I'm fine" she said laughing

Um what why was she laughing

"I could've died" she said covering her mouth but still laughing

Why was a three year old thinking about this oh god Bryce is going to murder me

"No baby it was a game yk we were playing a game" she looked confused but yk she believed it after all she's a baby

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