First of he loos cool and i am not sending you a picture before you ask. Second i saw his face the night i met him.                                                                                                     






I put my phone down and looked at what the other two were doing. Drista was watching A film and dream was just day dreaming while listening to music. I also noticed that drista had bag under her eyes meaning she didn't sleep well last night.

"Did you have a nightmare last night" i asked.

"Who me" She said looking at me with a questioning look. I nodded.

"Yeah i did, sorry if i woke you. Thats the reason i was put in this room with dream, probably why he also looks tired." she said. I smiled to myself thinking.

'even though these two fight a lot they both care for each other' I thought.

"I heard Tommy also had nightmares at one point. Where you the one that calmed him down." She asked.

"Yeah i was. He would have nightmare of what his perants did to him as a kid before phil found him in the human city he was from. He would wake up screamingj, crying and shaken so much, techno scared him a a kid and phil was always really tired and would sleep through it i didn't scare him and i was a light sleeper back then." I said smiling.

"Did you comfort anyone else." she asked.

"Yeah, I would calm phil down when he was to stressed and when the crows got to much, i would calm him if momza wasn't there. I also helped Techno. He would be over whelmed by voices and get himself in panic attack almost daily Philza was able to help with a few but ended up working when they happened the most , Tommy as to young to do anything so i was the last person left to help. "I replied.

"How did you clam them down." She questioned.

"I would sing say calming stuff and keep them in hug till they calmed down. It always worked" I said with a smug tone.

"I have only ever heard dream sing once. It was to calm multiple people down. Ever since then I haven't heard him sing. It probably brings back horrible memories for him." She said looking a bit guilty.

"What do you mean, I heard that you where also there" i asked. she nodded.

"I was. We put with a few other kids around 5 or 6 and dream didn't like that. So when they entered he volunteered to go through hell for everyone in the room. They agreed only if they could do one at least every month. He reluctantly agree to it. So he suffered the most, when he would be brought back everyone would be so relived some of there younger ones even cried. He went through so much more then me and can still smile on a daily. I know he misses the others though. He wasn't able to save them" She finished her explanation and had tears in her eyes.

"You guy seem to have been through so damn much. It's amazing that both of you can smile and go through the days without break downs."I said smiling. She nodded and headed for her room to hide for a bit.

"By that i guess she told you what i did" Dreams voice broke the silence. I turned to look at him to see pain and betrayal in his eyes along with guilt.

"Your such a caring person. Yet not many seem to see it. Why do you hide it," I asked.

"Last time i cared for others that weren't family they were killed in cold blood in front of me, I couldn't do anything." He said avoiding eye contact.

"So your scared to love someone again." i said he nodded and put his ear phones back in. I pulled him into a hug.

"No need to be scared to show people you care. Nothing will happen here." I said he hugged back, then broke the hug and gave me smile. Turning to the TV and changing the movie.

'they are hiding so much pain and secrets, They need to tell someone and soon or it'll mess up their heads, If it hasn't already.' i thought.

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