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"Very good! Five points to Gryffindor for knowledge! Now everyone grab your books and quill, and write down the three things you smell in the Amortentia." Slughorn said.

Marina dipped the tip of her quill in her ink bottle as she started to write.

Date - February 28th, 1997

Today I'm suppose to write what I smell in the shitty pink potion, crap what's it called? Right! Amortentia, I think? Okay, I'm going to write what I smell now or Sluggy will see.

What I smell -
1- Aftershave...like vanilla slightly?
2- Treacle Tart
3- Broom Polish

Marina stopped writing. Who smelt like aftershave for gods sake? Suddenly, Marina remembered Toula's Christmas present to Harry.

Toula gave Harry an enchanted razor and aftershave for Christmas.

Harry's favorite dessert. Treacle Tart.

Marina and Harry were the assistant captains of Qudditch. (That explained the broom polish.)

Marina now only had one thought in her mind.

Marina Weasley fancied Harry Potter.

How would Ron react if he found out? Marina would choose Ron over Harry any day. But...Harry was handsome. But Ron and Harry's friendship would shatter if Marina told Harry her feelings.

Oh, if Marina only wasn't so clueless on Harry's manner of flirting with her for the past five years.


𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓. Ron's birthday. Marina spent the entire day playing Quidditch with Ron and Harry.

After a few hours of playing Quidditch and celebrating Ron's birthday, Marina and Harry had just finished planning their Quidditch planning session, which was full of flirting and Quidditch diagrams.

"It's already ten o'clock," Marina said, "Can you believe it? We spent three hours just making play diagrams."

"Time ticks when your having fun doesn't it?" Harry smiled brightly.

Harry looked slightly stressed out.

"What's wrong with the Chosen One hm?" Marina said putting an arm around his shoulder playfully. "You've had that face since Potions ended."

"Just Slughorn. I asked him about a memory of his...and he freaked out a bit." Harry said. "Don't worrry about it though. Good night."

"Good night Harry." Marina whispered as she walked up the stairs.

After she had just put on her comfy tank top and pajama pants, she slipped into bed with a smile on her face.

"With Harry now were you?" mumbled Hermione with a sleepy smirk.

"Naughty Hermione, that was very sly of you." Pavarti said under her breath sleeping still.

"Shut up Granger." Marina mumbled.

"Someone wants to win their bet with Madam Pomfrey." Pavarti said.

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