Hyerin glared at him. He was being persistent and annoying, and a part of her told her she should take advantage of that to just get her mission over with. The other part though, would rather eat a steaming pile of shit than entertain the boy's presence.

"No," she said simply.


"No," she pressed. "I'm not going to just let you treat me like this. You think you can just walk up to any girl you think is mildly attractive and chat her up even if they're clearly uncomfortable with that? Not everyone wants your goddamn attention." By now she faced him completely, the corners of her mouth set in a straight, dissaproving line.

He seemed to sober up to this, his wide smile dissolving into a flustered frown. "I-I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah. That didn't work out the way I thought it would."

"No. It really didn't."

"Sorry," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "Didn't mean to come off like I was..."

Hyerin silently accepted his apology. "Like an arrogant son of a bitch? Like an entitled male hungry for female attention?"


Hyerin let a soft chuckle escape her.

His shoulders sagged and he heaved a huge breath at the sight of her relaxing."Look, I should probably go. Sorry again for...freaking you out."

Hyerin contemplated whether she should just do it or not. Well he's already here. It would be too troublesome to look for him after school.

"Hey, hold on," she called out to his retreating figure. He turned around.

 "Changed your mind? Were you going to give your name after all?" he asked, the cockiness slowly coming back.

Hyerin rolled her eyes. "Actually, I do have something to discuss with you," she started, making her way towards the lad. "You're a good dancer, right?"

"I'm practically good at everything."

God, she wanted to punch him. "Yes, yes," she sighed. "Well, some friends of mine are actually going to this underground dance battle on Sunday, and they said it's really, really exclusive. The winner, actually, has this grand cash prize and will battle it up against other cities," she said, satisfied with herself when she got his full attention. "The judges seem pretty promising, too. I don't know who they are, but from the way they described them they sounded really cool." She shrugged. "I just thought that, you know, you would want to register for the contest."

He gave a noncommital shrug. "I would've know if there was an event like that happening."

"It's exclusive for a reason. Spread through word of mouth," she lied smoothly.

Kai seemed to consider it.

"Well? Are you interested?" she asked, folding her arms. "My friends have connections in the contest and might get you a registration form or something. It would be a great opportunity to flaunt your skills since you seem to like doing that."

He sighed, pulling down his hat. "And if I don't want to?"

"This is a once in a lifetime chance! Maybe through this you'll be some famous guy in the future – an idol maybe."

He gave her a look. "Are you serious? I'd rather die than be an idol."

"Okay, fine. But don't you like doing this? It doesn't hurt to try. I mean, I'm pretty sure you've been to these kind of events before."

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