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BT, a small planet far far away from our mother earth, revolving around a big star like our Sun. More than five million years ago in an extremely favourable moment the first sparkle of life was seen there. The evolution from one cell amoeba to complex creatures was faster, but their planet's speed of movement was slower than the Earth—it takes BT almost seven days to complete a rotation around itself.

  Their one day is equal to our seven days.

  BT doesn't have a diversity of lives. Just more than fifty types of living creatures and more or less hundreds kinds of plants can be seen there. Water there is more valuable than anything. And the temperature never descends below 30°C.

  Among all the creatures living there, 'SONTA' is the most intelligent and powerful. They are similar to humans; similar facial features, similar body proportion, hands, feet and nose. Even their lifetimes are limited like humans. But they can be found only with blue hair.

  All of the sontas' hair colour is blue, unlike humans.

  Unlike humans they are genderless. Because of their different ambience, male-female genitals are congested into one body; a sonta always born with a penis and one common anal-vagina perforation. They also have menstrual cycles like humans, and can give birth to.

  Other than some anatomical differences, they have a special feature. The residents of this planet possess a power to attack the opponents with a soft whistle comprised with a melody, completely beyond the natural seven notes ever-known in earth, They, if disturbed, and are to prevent their opponents face-to-face, without any physical contact, use this power and throw the melodic whistle softly to get them numbed, hypnotised and weaker, for a while.

  Despite having powers, they are extremely intelligent. They have invented super computers to control each and every major or minor activities on their planet. They've also made satellites and other machines so powerful that they can consume energy from a big star and store them for future use.

  Their techniques are not limited to their planet only. They've discovered plenty of planets in other galaxies with living creatures and water, but none of them was as powerful as them. But their new discovery: Earth, approximately 248 light years away, made them totally stunned. Because this new planet is much bigger than their planet, it also looks beautiful from outer space. And 'humans', the most important creature of earth, look the same as them.

  Although the earth has 50 times more water than BT and humans aren't as improved as sontas'.

  Their social life is also different from humans. They don't know what nexus of 'marriage' is. When they become adults, they search for partners who have similar habits and tastes . When both of the partners agree to be with each other, they sign a three year contract and start living together in a nest (temporary house).

  The strongest of the partners make the other pregnant. Because they believe a strong sonta's semen can make a stronger baby.

  After nine months when the child is born, both of the partners take care of the baby equally. When the baby is grown up enough to survive without breast milk, they send the baby to a Montessori or play school, and get back to their busy working life like before. Later, in their lives if they feel they want to nest again, they search for another(or same) eligible partner to repeat the same process.

  Until the children grown up enough to earn living, they stay in the boarding school away from their parents.

  They are more professional than emotional. Usually avoid skinships like hugging, kissing and holding hands.

  Searching for partners and giving birth wasn't compulsory to them before. A sonta could work for his government his entire life without nesting or having sexual intercourse. But more than a hundred years ago, when a giant natural disaster occurred and their population decreased rapidly, their government declared every sonta have to nest at least twice in their lives and have babies.

   Interesting, isn't it?

  After learning all of their History, Geography, Anatomy, Biology, Sociology and Superpowers… it is time for us to dive into the main story.

  So humans, are you ready?

  Let's go—


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