Chapter 88: What Lurks Around

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"But Alia-"

"-will find us wherever we go. Remember what she said. She told us to make it as close to the bottom of this mountain as we can and she'll meet us there."


"Rosy please." The boy begged. With his big blue eyes the boy didn't want to argue about this.

He felt safer being away from the hunters. And this was his only solution. "It's Alia. She'll be alright."

The brunette puffed her cheeks as she scrunched her face. She knew for their own safety it would be beneficial to leave the area. But she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling of guilt like she was abandoning her girlfriend to the monsters out to kill them. "You'd better be right." She eventually said from behind her teeth.

Without wanting to waste anymore time, Zander hugged his friend tightly before rushing down the tree. From what he could see from their vantage point—the coast was clear.

The suns rays were slowing starting to disappear, but without a doubt they still had another good half hour under their belts.

But the instant Zander applied even the smallest bit of pressure onto his ankle he couldn't help but squeal. While it wasn't hurting to the point of death, it was surely uncomfortable.

Limping as he leaned against the tree, the boy waited patiently as Rose followed after.

"You alright? You're looking kinda green?" She said seeing the nauseous look on his face.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Can I just hold your hand please?" He asked tentatively.

He knew it was his idea to leave the comfort of the tree but he didn't think it was going to be this uncomfortable to walk on his ankle.

But despite all else, he was thankful that the scratch looked like it would heal within the next few days on its own. He couldn't wait to not have to deal with it anymore.

And without even needing to think about it, Rose scooped his hand up and held it firmly. "We've got this." She now encouraged.

Giving somewhat of a hopeful smirk, the girl took lead as she held tightly onto Zander making their way down the mountain as safely yet quickly as they could.

The blue sky was orange and the bright green leaves were now dull. "How much further do you think we should go for today? I don't think it's safe to be down here anymore." The girl nervously said.

"Just a little further then we'll find a place to stay." Zander said while he was already in the work of finding them a new place to camp the night away. The last thing he wanted was to be trapped on the ground all night long by themselves.

That was just a recipe for disaster.

Using the last bit of light from the suns rays, the boy quickly spotted a decent looking tree in the distance with all the criteria they were looking for.

Sturdy branches for them to climb on, thick branches to sit on, and a top filled with leaves to conceal them from sight. It was perfect.

"Over there!" He pointed as the girl carefully lead him in that direction.

"Think you can make it up on your own?" She asked.

More confident in his abilities after being allowed to rest his legs during their walk, thanks you Rose supporting him, Zander nodded. If it weren't for her, the strain on his leg would've kept him grounded for sure.

But as the small girl released her hold on him, Zander stepped forward as he grabbed on tightly to the branches before hoisting himself up the tree side.

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