The Next User

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Years:2009(Alternative timeline)


Osamu:Every single death.I give death to the people who deserve it.I still remember the day I become Kamen rider Eternal.

2 days before

Reporter:Breaking news!All Memory have been on Osaka everyone please be careful because this thing will turn everyone into dopant and president has declare Osaka will be on the lockdown.


Ring bell

???:Help, I need your help!! Please!

Osamu:I open the door.

???:Please help me. You're the detective don't you?

Osamu:That's the past. What is your name?

 Sakura:My name is Sakura.  

Osamu:Well what are you doing here

Sakura:I need your help.

Osamu:My help... Where is everyone when I lost someone where is everyone where I lost... No one including you. I know you detective Sakura. You can lie to everyone but not me. You guys just come and defeat that thing but did you ever care about everyone else.

Sakura:I'm really sorry about that we can't do anything. We already tried.

Osamu:Get out. I said get out from my house!

Sakura get out from Osamu house.

Osamu:Father mother, why...Why is my life like this. That dopant I will kill that thing.

Door ring

Osamu:Is that her? I said get out!

Osamu open the door and find nobody. Then he find one letter.

"Hello, Osamu you may doesn't know me but I know you inside that box there is something that's gonna help you later.You will use that bye".

Osamu open that box and see two thing.

Osamu:Ga... Gaia memory. And driver.
I doesn't need this thing i can do this myself but I will keep this just if I can't handle it.

Osamu go outside and see everyone become dopant he sneak to stole some food after that he's coming back to home. On his way home he saw Sakura. He's trying to help her but he's really scare.

Sakura:Help please anyone I beg to you guys.Please help me.

Osamu Flashback

Father:If there is someone who ask for help just help.

End of Flashback


Osamu punch that dopant but that dopant is really strong.

Dopant:Wow, how dare you touch me! How dare you touch me! Take this punch. Hahaha you're weak pathetic.

Osamu wake up.

Osamu:You're right I'm weak that's why I need to become stronger.

Osamu put driver and press  Gaia memory.

Gaia memory:ETERNAL.



Sakura:What is that?

Dopant:Who are you?

Eternal:Kamen rider Eternal.
I will send you to hell.

Dopant:No I will not let you do it.

They fight really well.That dopant become weaker.

Eternal:Time to finish you.


Eternal:Goodbye, dopant. See you in hell.

That dopant lose. Eternal take that gaia memory and break it.

Sakura:What are you doing all that dopant is human.

Eternal dehenshin.

Osamu:I'm sorry.

Sakura:You're not honest.

Suddenly that guy and everyone that turn into dopant wake up.

Osamu:Are you okay?

Guy:Thank your for saving my life and everyone life.

Sakura:What just happen?

Guy:Everyone become dopant after they see that gaia memory and make us turn into that thing.

Osamu:It's okay. I'm going back to my home.

Sakura:Wait you're the hero.

Osamu:Hero... Huh... You are wrong I'm not the hero I'm just trouble and all of this. This is just lucky thing. Consider yourself lucky.


???:Our plan failed. That guy just turn back everyone to human.

???:Who is that guy?

???:I don't know but he has Eternal Gaia memory.


3 hours after that.

Reporter:Everyone in Osaka just turn back to human thanks to one kamen rider who just save everyone life.

Guy:Thank you Kamen rider. We're not going to forget you.

Woman:Thank you Kamen rider.

Close television.

Osamu:After a long time, I finally hear someone say thank you to me.
Maybe I can become back detective just like an old time even it's just 2 years ago.

Ring bell

Osamu:No one home.

Sakura:Open the door.

Osamu:Yeah, yeah what did you want?

Sakura:Can I stay at your house?

Osamu:What? What do you think this is hotel. You need to pay if you want to stay.

Sakura:I know that's why I want to work with you.

Osamu:What work?

Sakura:Detective work.

Osamu:How did you... Wait I need Proce...

Sakura:Please, please please.


Sakura:Thank you.

Sakura hug Osamu.

Osamu:Hey let me go. What are you... Psycho.

Sakura:Kind of...

Osamu:You can start your work tomorrow. Come in.


Osamu:And that's how I become eternal.

Sakura:Who are you talking to?

Osamu:None of your business.

Sakura:Tell me.

Osamu:None of your business.(Maybe our chemistry kind of shake up. Yeah because it's too early we just know each other 2 days ago hopefully we can get to the same part).

Next part:Detective again

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