Chapter 6- Dates and Anxiety

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You know that feeling that you have when you know you are wide awake, but you know you would do anything to go back to sleep? That's what's happening to me. I roll over and see the sun shining through the curtains of the apartment, I can't just lay here any longer.

I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen desperate for anything edible. I immediately see Michael.

"So, I set something up for you and I need you to go along with it..." He states.

"Good morning to you too, Mikey!" I say as I grab the milk from the fridge. I start opening random cabinets, on the hunt for some cereal.

"I set up a date for you and Steph. I just think that since she is your fiancé, you to need some time to talk about a few things..." He says while handing me a box of Cheerios.

A date with Stephanie? Sounds great. I mean this way I can really get to know her in a romantic type of way.

"Where is she?" I asked, suddenly realizing she wasn't in the apartment.

"She's at at work, but back to the date. I really think you two need to talk about your relationship and where it's going..." He pauses, thinking about what to say next. "And maybe this can help you remember something..."

I would kill to remember something, anything to be honest. It doesn't even have to be big honestly it could be anything big or small. I just want to show them that I'm trying...I'm trying too damn hard and I can't remember a single thing.

When your life pauses, everyone else's keeps going. Time doesn't stop for anybody...

"Stop over analyzing everything and just say you're up for it."

Am I really up for this? "Hell yeah," I say with a big grin on my face.

"Okay, so here's my plan..."

I nervously run my hands through my hair. God, what if I fuck this up? I mean she does already love me, so what's the worst that could happen?

Oh well you know she could just decide she wants to leave you and make you move out of the apartment and move back in with your patents. I can't fuck this up.

I walk through the doors of the restaurant Michael dropped me off at. It's like nothing I have ever seen before. The restaurant is half indoors half out and it's covered in plants. It reminds me of a garden. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

As I'm waiting for Stephanie to arrive my nerves are getting worse and worse. Each second that passes I get a bit more nervous. I just want everyone to be happy and I know that the first step in doing that is making Stephanie happy.

But, what if I can't fall in love with her again? Or what if I don't get my memories back? Or even worse, what if Stephanie decides she doesn't love me anymore?

A door opens interrupting my thoughts. When I see her all the nerves, all of the doubt just melt away. You know how just a second ago, I said that the garden restaurant place was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen? Well I was wrong because it's Stephanie...

She had her long black hair curled and some of it pinned back showing off her beautiful face. She had on slightly more makeup than normal (which she didn't need at all) and she was wearing a purple dress.

A feeling of insecurity runs through me, while she's walking up to me. I feel so underdressed, I'm just in skinny jeans and a button up, but that's the nicest thing I could find.

"You look great!" She said while pulling me in for a hug.

"I look great? Have you seen yourself, Stephanie? You look...gorgeous."

The word 'gorgeous' doesn't give Stephanie justice. There isn't a word in the english language that describes how
absolutely outstanding she is.

"You're too sweet, Cal. Why don't we go sit down?"

I follow Stephanie to a random table and pull out a chair for her. "Why thank you, kind sir." She laughs.

Her laugh is equivalent to ice cream on the hottest day of summer, you've just gotta love it.

"How was work?" I ask trying to start a conversation of some sort.

"Work will be work." She smiles. Redirecting her attention from the menu to me. "How was your day?" She questions.

How has my day been? Pretty stressful up until now honestly. I've been freaking out about this date since I woke up, but am I going to let her know that? Of course not. "It's been pretty good, just been hangin' round with Mikey." I respond, somewhat truthfully.

After we get our food we get into deeper conversation, such as if I was ready for tour and just more about Steph. I want to know everything about her, her likes and dislikes, favorite movies, family stuff just anything.

As we finish eating, a song comes on and Steph freaks out. "Calum, dance with me!!" She requests, practically jumping out of her seat. I laugh and join her in the middle of the room.

She wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist and we gently sway back and forth to the song.

I want to remember this forever. I never want this moment to end. Everything is perfect. I'm in the perfect place, with the perfect girl. It's almost too good to be true.

When the song ends she looks into my eyes and then down to my lips. She starts leaning in and then it happens...


"Luke, hurry up we can't be late today!! You're hair looks fine lets just go!" I tell him for the thousandth time, my patience running thin.

I absolutely cannot be late today. I can't have my beautiful fiancé worrying that I'm not gonna show up to our wedding, I mean what an awful feeling.

"Calum, how about you and I go now and then Luke and Michael can just meet us there?" Ashton suggest.

Thank god for Ashton. He's the only smart one in this band. We quickly get in my car and start driving to the venue.

Today I am marrying the only girl I have ever loved, besides my mum and sister of course. The past three years of my life have been outstanding, and I can't imagine not having her by my side.

"You having any pre-wedding jitters?" Ashton asks.

"No fucking way man! I can't wait for me and Stephanie to actually be married. I can wait to start our lives together..." I defend.

Ashton smiles and looks down at the ring on his hand. "The married life is great man. .." He pauses before continuing. "Do you blame me for the band ending?" He said with his eyes full of worry.

Recently, we (the band and myself) have decided that we are simply not at a place anymore to where the band is possible. We are all starting new lives and having families. At first we were all a little upset when Ashton suggested we have a final tour, but when we found out that Scarlet's pregnant we decided it's the best thing for all of us.

"I don't blame you a bit man. It's time we start a new chapter of our lives." I say, taking my eyes off the road to send him a smile.


And that's when I saw the darkness for the first time....

*end of flashback*

"Calum, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost?" Stephanie asks.

"How could you not tell me that I got in the crash on our wedding day?!"

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