"You don't have one?"

"I... I can't afford one."

Seungmin's face tinted red with embarrassment hoping Chan won't press about it more.

"Do you want me to buy you one?"

Seungmin could tell Chan was well-off. His attire and accessories screamed rich. The hoodie Seungmin borrowed from last night was embroidered with the name brand on the lining for the hood. The shorts and shirt were simple, but at least cost $40-70, which was probably on Chan's low-end side of the spectrum.

"No! It is fine Hyung."

The formality rolled off of Seungmin's tongue without hesitation leaving him to quickly conceal his mouth with both hands. If Seungmin's face wasn't already red, it definitely was now.

Chan let his dimples do the talking, easing Seungmin into a false lullaby at how Chan's face formed into a sincere smile with a slight chuckle.

Knock Knock Knock.

Chan walked to the door, unlocking the lock, and opened the door to see Minho in his school uniform with his car keys in hand.

"Hey, Hey!"
Minho shot Chan a sly smile, making the older only shrug and slip on his dress shoes.

Seungmin bowed whenever he saw Minho. In his eyes, Minho has been very warm and helpful to him even if he is awkward.

"Are you excited to get sorted?"

Seungmin nodded profusely letting the older respond with two thumbs up.

"Man, doesn't he look so much like a puppy Chan?"

Minho pointed in his direction, where Seungmin's stance was him standing upright with his shoulders back and his hands resting together in front.

"He really does."

Seungmin blushed at the comment and bowed his head once again.

"Well we should start heading to the campus soon, orientation is going to start in an hour. We need to be at least 30 minutes early."
Chan and Seungmin acknowledged Minho's direction and followed him towards the exit of the dorms.

When they entered the parking lot, Seungmin was met with a blue Mercedes-Benz parked in the "Visitor Only" parking space. He carefully climbed into the backseat, where Chan inhabited the passenger seat fixing himself in the overhead mirror. Minho started the car where the purrs and rumbles can be heard signifying the car was ready to drive.

The dorm was disappearing in the rearview mirror, as the car continued to make its journey to the campus. The road was smooth, letting the car ride the ridges of the tire marking without much turbulence.

Most of the car ride was silent, the conversation only starting when Minho was jumping in about random facts about the campus.

"You know Prism is the biggest magic institute in all of Korea?"

"I can see that." Chan was listening, but his focus was fixated on the little touchscreen that rested nicely in his palms.

15 minutes away from your destination.

Seungmin let his eyes wander outside of the car's window, absorbing the scenery of the forest as they started to pass a gated area. He read the sign that was situated in one of the trees, "Beware of Ogres"

It sent a shudder down his back as he glanced back to the front to see the marvels of the grandeur campus structure.

Minho parked in the Senior parking area and gave Seungmin a hand with helping him out of the car.

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