Chapter 1-First day of school

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Rebecca's Perspective

•The alarm clock rings•
7:30 am?
Another 5 minutes won't hurt anyone...
*30 minutes later*
Well done Rebecca, your first day and you are late?
Oh my god...I am supposed to meet with Homura in 10 minutes...I should get dressed!
Blue high waisted jeans and a white crop top? Sounds good to me. White shoes? They match the white crop top, so yes. Maybe I will let my hair down? Or a ponytail? Ponytail.
I don't have time to make a sandwich...I guess I will buy something from the canteen...but I can't afford anything, except water...Why does everything have to be so expensive there? Oh well, I should get going.
*Bus station*
Rebecca: "Homuraaaaa!!! I'm sorry I'm late!"
I hope I'm not too late...
Homura: "What are you talking about? You are only two minutes late. Who cares?"
I am actually 10 minutes late, so I suppose she came late here as well, haha.
*At school*
Homura: "Wow! The newbies are so's like we are back in kindergarten. If my memory serves me right, we were even taller than them in kindergarten."
Rebecca: "Haha, true."
I better start looking for Weisz.
*10 minutes later*
Elsie: "Good morning students."
Can we just go to our classes already? I want to see Weisz.
Elsie: "My name is Elsie Crimson and I am the school's principal and biology teacher. I am going to announce the classes for the freshman students. The others should know their classes, except if you are new here. If this is the case, please wait in my office."
Last year, my class was, this year, I guess I am C2.
Labilia: "Where do you think you are going, dumb blondie?"
Rebecca: "Even if you like it or not C2 is my class as well."
Labilia: " know what? I would love to torture you for 3 years in a row, but unfortunately you are in C3. Don't worry. We always have the breaks to catch up!"
WHAT? C3? Labibilia is going to be in the SAME class with MY boyfriend? WHY? And Homura is in C1...GREAT!
Now...where is C3?
James: "Good morni-"
Rebecca: "I'm so sorry for interrupting, but I was supposed to be in C2 and then they told me that my class is C3 and then I had a hard time finding the class and then I had to stop and ask several students, so I found the class by some miracle."
James: "You are Rebecca, I suppose. Well it's true that C3 is your class. I'm sorry we didn't inform you earlier, but C2 is full. Now, eveyone take a seat, please. My name is James and I'm your history teacher, for those who didn't already know. Also, this year we have a new student in this class. Please, introduce yourself."
Shiki: "Hello! My name is Shiki Granbell. I am 17 years old and I hope we can all be friends!"
...hope we can all be friends? Are we sure he is 17?
James: "Looks like the only available seat in next to rebecca.
Wow, my boyfriend is in the same class with my worst enemy, my best and only friend is not even in my class and the weird 5 year old is sitting next to me? I have no words to describe how lucky I am. Now that I mentioned it...I haven't seen Weisz today.

Shiki's Perspective

Shiki: "Do you want to be my friend?"
Rebecca: "No."
What? Why doesn't she want to be my friend? Everyone wanted to be friends with me so far, especially girls.
Shiki: "Why?"
Rebecca: "I can't trust a stranger."
I didn't ask her to trust me...I asked her to be my friend...weird girl. But I want to be her friend.
Shiki: "What can I do to earn your trust?"
Rebecca: "Shut up and let me concentrate."
Okay...this is not going to be as easy as I thought.
Shiki: "You are a weird girl, huh?"
*45 minutes later*
Huh? Where is she going?
Rebecca: "Weisz! I was so worried when I didn't see you during the principal's talk!"
Is that guy her friend?
Weisz: "Good for you. Why don't you make yourself useful and take my backpack to C2?"
Why is he so rude? Don't tell me she is ACTUALLY going to obey? She almost killed me for asking her to be my friend, but all of a sudden she acts like some kind of servant?
Shiki: "Rebecca, wait!"
Rebecca: "What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy?"
Shiki: "Let me take this for you."

No one's Perspective

Sibil: "Look,Weisz. Your girlfriend gave your backpack to another guy and is probably going with him to C2 instead of coming to you. She is going to break up with you for him one day. Mark my words."
Weisz: "Shut up."
Labilia: "I will go take care of this."

Shiki's Perspective

Shiki: "So, Rebec-"
Labilia: "Miss me, Rebecca-chan? I told you we have the breaks to catch up."
Rebecca: "What do you want?"
Labilia: "I heard there is a new student in our school and I would like to introduce myself. Hello...I don't care what your name name is Labilia, the most popular girl in school and a super famous b-cuber, unlike some others. You are quite handsome. Are you interested in making a video with me? Of course you have heard of me and my B-cube channel that has almost 1.000.000 subscribers. How do you feel that I am closer to your goal than you will ever be, Rebecc-"
Rebecca: "Shut up!"
Labilia: "Relax. No one knows you are a B-cuber, Rebecca. Your videos are so pathetic and how is Hoppy?"
Rebecca: "His name was Happy."
Labilia: "Right, your even more pathetic little cat. Didn't he die last year?"
Shiki: "She told you to shut up. I have never heard of you and I won't make a video with someone who bullies Rebecca."
Rebecca: *looks at shiki*.
Shiki: "Let's go, Rebecca."
Also Shiki: *takes Rebecca's hand and takes her with him*
Rebecca: "Ummm...thank you..."
Shiki: "No problem. So, you like cats?"
Rebecca: "Yes!"
Shiki: "You are a B-cuber? That's awesome! Do you think I can be in one of your videos? I can help you reach your goal if you want!"
Rebecca: "How? I only have 105 subscribers."
Shiki: "It's a good start! What's you channel's name?"
Rebecca: "Aoneko channel."
Shiki: "I like it!"
Also Shiki: *smiles at Rebecca while still holding her hand*
Rebecca: *smiles back*

No one's Perspective

Sibil: "Now they are holding hands? Nice work, Labilia!"
Weisz: *leaves*

Rebecca's Diary

     First day of school...hooray! I am neither in the same class with my boyfriend nor with my best (and only) friend. Instead, one of my classmates is a 5 year old boy, but he is nice. He asked me to be his friend, but I refused. Who knows? Maybe someday we will become friends.

Dear diary...(a Shicca story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora