Episode 15

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Pine Valley University

In one of the rooms at the Student Center which is a lounge section, Miranda Montgomery was just sitting there writing in her diary. Since the news of her aunt's disappearance, the only thing her and Gabby have been focused on seeing there mother to make sure she was okay. Bianca was trying to make herself more busier at Fusion and working at home while waiting for each and every single time for her mother to call her. It was good that Bianca was getting more updates but Miranda and Gabby feared that their mother was going to loose it before she goes off on her own to find Kendall. But Miranda had to be strong, not just for herself but also for her sister and the rest of the family. She didn't know who her biological father was and didn't care, but if there is anything she learned from her uncle Zach, it's that family matters the most. He always told Miranda time he raised Ian and Spike, the moments he had with them while still married to Kendall. It made Miranda want to have her own family when she was ready that is, there was no need to rush. But as she was just about done writing in her diary, Miranda heard the sound of footsteps before Sam Grey came into the room.

Samuel - "Excuse me, do you know where I can find the book store?"

Miranda, who was caught ff guard by Samuel, started to smile a little bit before she moved over. She hasn't seen him before in her until now, but it's like Miranda knew him before as Sam sat down.

Miranda - "It's down the stairs on your right when you go down"

Samuel - "Thank you, but first before I go there I should probably rest after being all around the campus the past couple of days. Is that seat next to you taken?"

Miranda - "Not at all, please sit down. What's your name?"

Samuel - "Samuel Grey but everyone calls me Sam"

Miranda - "Did you just say your name was Grey? I could of sworn i've heard of that name before at a time when I was young"

Samuel - "Yeah, actually my father, Edmund Grey was a journalist, he worked at Temp. My mother Maria Santos Grey, was a doctor at Pine Valley Hospital"

Miranda - "Ah, I knew I remembered that name from somewhere. Your parents were good friends with my mom and family even though grandma and your mom never got along It's a shame I couldn't get to know both of them growing up, the name's Miranda Montgomery by the way"

Samuel - "Montgomery? You're Jackson Montgomery's niece correct?"

Miranda - "Yes I am, Bianca Montgomery is my mother, Erica Kane's my grandmother and the rest of the family tree I have is pretty huge

Samuel - "Wow, that explains everything. We come from two pretty big families in this town but that's good actually"

Miranda - "That we do, is this your first day at school?

Samuel - "Tomorrow's the big day for me Miranda, I was just here to get the books I ordered a couple days ago at the bookstore"

Miranda - "What's your first subject tomorrow?"

Samuel - "My favorite...journalism"

Miranda - "Really? I've heard the journalism classes are one of the best ones out of the entire university. Everyone loves them"

Samuel - "I bet they are but hopefully they're much exciting than the ones I had at UC Berkeley. I'm transferring here"

Miranda smiled as the two of them continue to talk to each other about their other classes, what Samuel did at UC Berkeley, etc. She was starting to feel better each and every time they communicated, seeing how much Samuel wanted something like this to start over and do things in a different way. At least she wasn't feeling down and out anymore because of her aunt and how the rest of the family, including her mother was taking this really hard. This was the beginning of a brand new fresh start for Sam who saw Miranda as someone he was starting to like since he first met. Of course he wasn't going to ask her out on a date or anything like that but at least start to be her friend. Over the years at UC Berkeley Sam didn't make that much of friends except for some people who he trusted, so maybe Miranda can be someone to trust here at PVU. As the two of them continued their conversation, around the corner, AJ Chandler was walking down the hallway after he left class. But when he passed the room before seeing Miranda, AJ quickly noticed the other guy that he hadn't seen before. Did he looked familiar to AJ? Because if not then he must be new to the university otherwise AJ would of recognized him, as he continues to watch Miranda and Samuel talk to one another.

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