'He won't leave, right? But what if he would' I asked myself
' no no no he won't leave ' I tried to stop my negative thoughts

'Today, I'm gonna talk to him' I said this to myself and started doing work

I was busy with work when my phone rings of an unknown number, I picked up

" Hello, is this Sia, Miss Katie's daughter? " The person asked

" Yes, this is her. What happen?" I asked

" Sia, your mother met with an accident. She is here in the hospital. Please come fast " the person said and I forgot to take breathe


For a minute, I was blank but the text message on my phone brings me out of my thought which have the address of the hospital. I hurriedly leave for the hospital.


The whole ride only negative thoughts were coming in my mind, I can't afford to lose anyone anymore.

Finally, I reached Hospital, Upon asking I left to my mother's room.

I went inside to see my Mum was sleeping, she had a band-aid oh ner head and one on her wrist

" Mum " I whispered with tear filled eyes

She opened her eyes and smiled a little while looking at me

" How-how are you? How did all this happen? Where were you going in such a hurry that you have to met with an accident?? I told you thousand times to take care of yourself but no you never listen to me, now see what happen. Mum, now you're not even talking, are you- are you ok? Should I call the doctor? Yes, wait I- " I said without taking a breathe but she interrupted me with a smile

" Sia, I'm fine. Stop worrying yourself. Nothing happened to me, see " she said

" But mum- " I said but got interrupted again

" No buts and if, see I'm totally fine. Just a little cut on the head and on the wrist there are so little scratches but still they did band- aid when I told them not to " she said smiling

I nodded my head in relief when my mother again said

" How's X? " She asked worriedly this time

" He- he's fine " I told her confusedly

why she's asking about him

" In which room is he? " She asked Again

" Room? What room? " I got totally Confused

" Sia, Don't tell me you don't know that he saved me and got way more hurt than me " my mother said

Save! Hurt!

" Wh-what are you saying, M-mum? " I asked thinking that maybe I heard wrong

" He saved me Sia, the car was coming with full speed and before I could do anything X came and pushed me to the side " Mum said making me blank

Just then the doctor came for her checkup while I was plainly staring at nowhere in particular

" Doctor, where is the X, the guy who took me here, he was more hurt than me " my mother's voice brings me out of my thoughts and I look towards the doctor

" He left after he made us inform your daughter " the doctor said

" What- what do you mean by left huh? Didn't you treated him? " I asked

" We tried to but he was so adamant to leave so we just did the basic bandages, he said that he will go to some different hospital " the doctor told

" Wh-what happen to him? Where was he hurt? " I asked slowly

" We never got the chance to check on him properly as he was in rush to leave, so we just stop the bleeding from his head and shoulder " he said

" What kind of hospital is this, huh? How can you let him leave just like that? Just because he said that he have to leave that doesn't mean you'll allow him to, now if anything happen then who will take care of him huh?? Tell me " I shouted on the doctor as I was beyond angry on him, on me, on every one

" Ma'am, he said he will be ok and we can't stop anyone. This is again the hospital policy " the doctor said trying to make me understand

" To hell with your hospital and your policy, doctor. If anything happen to him, anything I will sue this hospital. I swear " I shouted with a tear streaming face.

The doctor muttered sorry and left

" Baby, Don't worry. He will be ok. He is Xander Black afterall " my mum said but I cried harder

" Mum " I said and hugged her tightly and started crying hysterically.

" He has to be ok, Mum he has to be ok" I said sobbing

" Yes baby, he will be ok " she said rubbing my back

" You promise? " I asked expectantly

" I promise " Mum said softly

" Sia, I know " she said after a few minutes

" What you know? " I asked wiping my tears

" About the revenge, the baby, India, your father everything " she said

" H-h-how? " I asked looking down

" X. He told me everything a few days back " Mum said and I looked up

" Oh" I didn't know what to say

" Sia, I won't say a word that what you want or what not. Its only and only upto you. You don't have to take any decision by seeing others face or feelings. Just do what you really want" Mum said softly

I nodded my head, just then the door knob clicked and my whole family came. Kevin, my Aunt and Uncle

After greeting everyone, I said bye as now I have made my mind and for that I have to see Xander Black.

' where can he go' with this thought in mind I Left


Only 1 chapter is left


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