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We get what we deserve

As you stood alone, waking up from your sinking slumber, the school seemed empty, creeping with every step. As every chapter sank into your story. Your pain grew. But it wasn't the fear that set in along with it. It was rage. You were scared, but it was a different type of fear. A fear so deeply rooted in your very being that you knew no matter how hard you tried you would never rid of such a thing.

You spun around on your heel, looking for an exit, any exit. Windows that you knew you couldn't break. You didn't think about Tobita,Touya, or Kurono. You just ran. Oboro promised you he would never give up on you. So why should you give up on yourself. Your ran through the hallways. They became so human, the paints, the walls, Too familiar.

Tears dribbled down your face, cooling under the air around you. As you ran passed the unbreakable glass, looking for a way to escape this prison that was meant to train you. Your eyes darted to the mirror. Freezing in your tracks. You stepping closer, putting your hand on the mirror. There was no gap between your hand and reflection. You didn't know what that meant, but you knew something was wrong.

They were watching, they were watching somehow, someway.

You should have realized this.. Why would overhaul take you away I just to put you in a mansion that seemed to allow an easy escape. Why would he leave you here unsupervised..


You saw his reflection in the mirror, Tobita walking down the hallway. Your
Legs trembled, sweat trickling down your neck. He seemed so much larger than before. He prowled closer as you froze, watching his reflection get bigger and bigger. You clenched your fist as you ran, shaking, but not weak.

Oboro, Nighteye, Izuku,mirio.

They were looking for you, you could feel it. Everything felt as if it had been discovered.

When the hero's found you, the mirrors that didn't shine, the way the facility stretched for miles. Leading into the city. As everything came back to you as you ran. Memories flooded back. Being dragged by your arms to the cages, the injections, the boiling water they would mix with some Sort of liquid. The straps around your arms. The purple fur. The mask. You remember how his eyelashes looked, how his eye crinkled was he gazed down at keigo's mangled body.

Kurogiri. Oboro's clone.

Oboro was supposed to die when fighting unground in the facility before you were created. The lies,the lies they told you. You were never the first to work.  No.. You were the first to fear them. Kurogiri was the first to work. But he failed to kill Oboro. So he was thrown away. Only to be found by Shigaraki.

The league of villains wanted you, but you weren't their main focus at the time. That's why Dabi hadn't tried his hardest to stop hawks from taking you.

As you ran, the screams of Tobita, Touya, and Kurono were drowned out by the thumping of your heart. Your bare feet pounded on the cold wooden floor as you frantically search for the opening to the under ground facility. You didn't know what had told you it was here somewhere. But it was familiar as if someone had whispered it into your ear when you were distracted. You glanced back to see that only Tobita and Kurono were chasing you.

Touya was standing back. But you focused on his face. He whispered something. Your eyes locked on his lips. 'Eri'

The Eri portrait.

Touya. He was helping you escape. As flashes of the beginning came back. The chanting, the prayer they had seemed to welcome you with.

"Don't kill this one, too"

They were praying you didn't realize what this shithole truly was.
They were praying on your naivety.

Her face came into sight.  Her white hair, her pale skin. Her red eyes. She was truly your escape. You ripped her portrait off the wall. Slamming the frame behind you. It was a drop, and you grabbed onto anything around you. A lever. Which closed a metal door behind the painting. As the portrait was lifted, light seemed into the under ground facility. Before your grip released on the lever, Tobita's once warm face came into view. A cold glint In his now icy blue eyes. The hatch shut completely, and you decent began. Metal walls around you as you fell. The floor came into view. As you bare feet came into contact with what you thought would be cold, hard, grey concrete, was instead a rich, soft, red couch cushion.

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