"Good?" Harry asks when he stops and Louis smiles, looking again to see it's not much different.

"Perfect," he answers, because really it's not like he looks terrible with the curly strands sticking every which way. Harry smiles in response and leans over to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you for agreeing to come," he says leaning his head on his shoulder. It's a bit uncomfortable considering the center console is still in the way between them but it works.

"Of course baby, could never say no to you," Louis replies, bringing their hands up and kissing the back of Harry's. A small blush forms on his cheeks and he looks up to kiss Louis' cheek once again. When they're finally able to park somewhere, Harry slides out of Louis' car excitedly. He already has his sunglasses on but he knows he need his snapback as well to tame his hair. He slips it on backwards, looking at his reflection in the car window then fixes his tank top. He was wearing a white one with a comic on it, easily giving away it actually belonged to Louis, as well as a new pair of yellow swim shorts. When he bought them, he'd gone ahead and got himself the same pair in black and red, as well as a few other styles. It's difficult to detain himself from going all out when he goes shopping, especially since Louis always encourages him to get way more than he needs. At first Harry had been uncomfortable about it, timid and unsure but by now the pair had been dating for two years and he's more than used to Louis showering him with gifts and letting him spend way more than he regularly would on just about anything. It worked in the end, they're both happy. Louis got to spoil his baby and Harry got wear and get things he could only dream of before. So of course, he had about seven different swim shorts and an extensive amount of sunglasses and snapbacks. "Look at you," Louis comments, bringing Harry's attention back. He turns away from the car window and chuckles.

"You saw me before Lou," Harry says, a small smile on his lips as he closes the car door and goes to the trunk that Louis has opened.

"Mm not from that angle, love," Louis says in a tone so soft and gentle that it almost makes Harry shiver. His eyes are still drinking in every part of Harry's body and he momentarily forgets this is something he's used to, another blush threatening to form on his cheeks. Instead he scrunches up his nose at him.

"Come on stop being a perv and help me out with this," Harry says, dragging the cooler closer to the edge but not picking it up. He knows he could but he'd rather Louis lift the heavy stuff.

"'m not being a perv I'm admiring the view," Louis says with a grin, his hand rubbing over Harry's back. Though he's only surprised he didn't try to sneak his hand under his shorts.

"Mmhm," Harry hums with a giggle, pushing Louis' fingers where they're not so sneakily sliding under his shirt. He turns to kiss his boyfriend's lips as compensation, which is taken gratefully. Louis takes the cooler in his hand and Harry takes charge of their bag and the beach ball. It may be just the two of them but Harry'll be damned if they won't be having the most fun possible. They make their way out of the parking lot, Harry's hand in Louis' free one as they walk the one block over to the beach. They hit the boardwalk first, mixing in with the different beach-goers and shoppers. This time Louis is pulling Harry away from the gift shops, knowing they could end up spending hours there.

"Come on baby, we can get you something after," Louis urges, tugging on Harry's hand. A pout sets on his lips but he follows nonetheless, because he's never been one to argue with Louis. They continue to walk until they hit the sand, coming across a group of girls who ask Louis for a picture. It's not surprising of course, it also isn't surprising when they ask Harry to take the picture for them. Harry is only happy to do so, eyes set on Louis' award winning smile as he snaps about three shots.

"Thank you so much," the girls tell both of them before they begin to walk off in a fit of giggles and excited chatter. They both know they don't go far though, cameras still pointed at them as Louis picks up the cooler once again and takes Harry's hand in his. After a while they stop trailing after them and Harry and Louis are able to pick out a good spot on the sand, no longer bothered by anybody else. There are few people around but nobody takes notice of them. Louis sets out their towels and opens up the cooler to pick out a cold coke, sitting down to enjoy it. Harry avoids sitting on the towel though, already going for getting himself settled in the sand to start digging and making a sandcastle with it. Louis lays down sideways, settling the can in the sand and reaching for their bag. He pulls out his script that he'd packed with him. It's for a movie he's been currently working on, a small one that he'd been guaranteed the spot to. He isn't that big or known of an actor but enough to be really wanted in the film. Louis busied himself flipping through the pages quietly while Harry starts digging a hole in the sand. It isn't until Harry has dug enough to fit his arm inside up to his elbow that he looks up at Louis.

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