"Shes wearing the dress?" he shouts, and now I can hear him making his way up the stairs and towards Janes room.

"Of course she is" I respond, pulling the brush gently through her hair whilst she clicks on her little shoes we'd bought just for tonight.

When George pulls open the door, he doesnt even spare me a glance as he beams towards our little girl.

"Oh honey, you look gorgeous!" he smiles, picking her and leaning her against his waist.

She smiles back at him sweetly, pulling her fake act nice girl act that she pulls whenever she wants to get aww's.

I had no idea 4 year olds could be this clever, but then I got landed with this little devil.

"Imagine when Wilbur sees her" he smiles, patting down different spots on her hair that are sticking out.

"Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur!" she shouts, kicking her legs in excitment.

"I know! We're gonna see Wilbur soon, arent we?" George responds, dropping himself to the floor with Jane still in his arms.

"You should get dressed" he tells me inbetween, peeking at his watch.

"You look good" I whisper, kissing him on the forehead before leaving the room to go get ready.

I pull on whatever George has left out for me, but its just a simple suit.

Im glad its nothing too fancy, im not really looking for anything too flashy tonight.

After making sure ive made my hair look okay, and ive got the right shoes on, I make my way back to Janes room.

George is sat beside her infront of the mirror, brushing out her little black curls as she chats away merrily to him.

"And daddy said even Niki is going to be in a purple dwess" she announces proudly.

"He did, did he?" George asks, shooting a surprised glance at me from the mirror.

"Mhm, she is" I nod, praying that Niki will have seen my messages before she leaves her house.

"Im gonna make sure everythings locked up, can you get her in the car?" George asks.

But he doesnt wait for a response as he jogs from the room and down the stairs, locking up the house before we leave.

"Alright, up you get" I tell her, taking her little hands to walk her out to the car.

"Up" she smiles, tugging at my arm.

"No, come on you can walk" I respond, trying to pull her along.

"No, up" she continues to beg, pulling away at my arm.

Im really not in the mood for a fit, so I do as she asks and pull her up into my arms.

"Jane awllways gets her way" she smirks, pushing her head against my chest as she continues her evil giggles.

I cant help but chuckle along with her as I carry her downstairs and out to the car.

She really does have me wrapped around her chubby little fingers.

I strap her into her car seat, and then I sit with my car door open as I wait for George.

Its now I realize that ive made it.

Ive gotten everything I couldve ever of strived to have got.

A stable job as a music producer, an amazing, loving boyfriend who I do not deserve, a gorgeous, sweet little girl and the same friend group that ive had since I was 17.

This is one of those moments where im grateful that George got back in time,

Where im grateful that George saved my life.

If theres one thing I could go back and tell a worrisome 15 year old me, it would be just a simple,

'Stay, I promise everything turns out okay'

Because it did, everything turned out okay, just like George had promised it would.

Everything turned out better then okay, and I honestly couldnt ask for anything more.

Well, I know what else I have left to ask for.

And im doing it tonight, Wilbur and I have been planning it for months now.

I tug at the small ring box in my jackets back pocket nervously, making sure its in place so I wont lose it.

"Alright, alright we're still on time" George breathes, walking down the lawn and towards his side of the car.

"Are you ready?" he presses, pulling his car door open with a wide, beautiful smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah I am" I assure him, flashing a smile back.

With that, I shut my car door, and after I make sure that Janes strapped in properly, I take off in the direction of the restaurant.

And yeah, I am ready.

Im more then ready to ask George to spend the rest of his life with me.

I know what he'll say, we've talked about this so many times before, but now im ready to actually do it.

Im ready to ask him.

I know that we'll live out our lives together, loving eachother unconditionally, eventually one day reaching that point where you sit on a porch reading out stories to your grandchildren.

Im gonna be honest, I never really saw myself living out that kind of life.

But now?

I wouldnt want it any other way.




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