Chapter 10 - Admissions

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"It would take longer than a few hours to figure out I'm here," Padme assures us as she continues packing.

"I hope so," I mutter before taking the opportunity to get a good look around the room. There are several pictures on the walls and the furniture in the room looks like what you'd expect in a typical bedroom.

"You still live at home," remarks Anakin.

"I move around so much. I've never had a place of my own. Official residences have no warmth. I feel good here. I feel at home."

I definitely know what she means. "We've never really had a real home," I tell her. There are places I call home – like the Temple – but part of me knows it's not really my real home. I love the place, but there's so many things there I don't like. My home's not a place, its people, however crazy that may sound.

"Home was always where our Mom was," adds Anakin as he picks up a framed hologram.

I nod, "And now, it's wherever our masters are."

The silence that falls over us for a moment ends when Anakin asks, "Is this you?" The question immediately draws my attention to what he's holding. It shows a young dark-haired girl who is almost unmistakably Padme, probably around eight, surrounded by several dozen tiny green creatures, a lot smaller than her. They are all grinning from ear to ear, and she's holding one of them in her arms.

"That was when I went with the Relief Group to Shadda-Bi-Boran," she explains, "Their sun was imploding, and the planet was dying. I was helping to relocate the children. See that little one I'm holding? His name was N'a-kee-tula, which means sweetheart. He was so full of life. All those kids were. I did everything I could to save him, but he died... they all did. They were never able to adapt... to live off their native planet."

"That's horrible," I murmur sympathetically.

Anakin picks up another picture. In this one, Padme looks to be about ten. She has a very serious look on her face, dressed in official robes, and standing between two other legislators.

"My first day as an Apprentice Legislator," Padme informs us, "Notice the difference?" I nod. Two opposite sides of her, for sure. Both sides of which I've seen and am fond of. The friendly side we first met and the side of her we knew as the Queen of Naboo.

The sun is getting low in the sky by the time the four of us finally arrive at the lodge by the Lake Retreat. The scene here is even more beautiful than the rest of Naboo that I've seen so far. There's a garden surrounding the lodge, and beyond that a huge lake, shimmering golden in the sunlight. In the distance, high mountains rise, covered with trees judging from their dark green color. It's absolutely nothing like the landscapes I usually see. Now that I go on missions with Qui-Gon often, I've seen water quite a bit, but the sight still never ceases to amaze me.

I'm inside the lodge, unpacking our things alongside Jaufre. Anakin and Padme are still standing outside on the balcony, talking to each other. I don't know what they're talking about, but it honestly seemed like now would just be a good time to make a hasty exit. Besides, those two deserve some time alone.

"How often does Padme have an assassin after her anyway?" I comment, as we continue going through the bags.

"More often than not, it seems. At least twenty-five percent of the time," sighs Jaufre, concern and irritation flashing across his face, "Unless it's just me, but that's what it seems like."

"No wonder she seems so unconcerned."

"Yeah... But with the three of us here, hopefully she'll be safe." Silence falls for several long moments before he breaks it again. "What's it been like these past few months?"

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