any regrets?

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Villanelle grabbed the small of my waist and held me closer once a middle aged, slightly drunk guy looked me up and down and came awfully close while walking past us. After that we didn't break this position until we got to the building.

I gently opened the front door of our apartment and stepped aside giving way to Villanelle. She literally slid into the apartment intentionally leaning close to me so our bodies touched. After that she took off her shoes, walked to the bedroom and minded her own business not even looking at me for minutes. I took off my heels and let my hair out in the hall then I followed Villanelle to the bedroom. I first sat then lay down on the bed while Villanelle was digging in her suitcase absolutely not paying attention to me. -What are you doing?- I turned and asked her. -Nothing, I'm just looking for something- she answered while she continued digging. -What are you looking for?- I sat up and questioned her curiously. -My makeup bag- she said a bit angrily because she still didn't find it. -You probably left it in the bathroom earlier- I supposed. -Right, of course- Villanelle faced me and laughed a little on herself while she answered. I could tell that she is about to turn around and leave the room and the night might be over at this point. This sort of bad feeling rushed through my body and made me realize that I wanted more.
As a reaction to these thoughts I took a deep breath and opened my mouth attempting to say something but no words left my mouth. Villanelle gazed at me questioning the thing I just did and I gazed at her as well. I confidently stood up and walked to her. I gently touched her face and slid my hand on her cheekbone until my fingers arrived to her soft hair. I leaned closer and 'not so confidently' kissed her. First our lips were just touching but then thankfully V kissed back softly.
-What are you doing?- she pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds but stayed inches close. -You could've just stopped me if you don't want it-I lifted my eyebrows and whispered. We paused and just stared at each other for a moment and I realized that I probably screwed this up really badly and V wants nothing to do with me. Before I could finish thinking she pulled me in by my waist and kissed me slowly. Now the kiss was passionate, her tongue entered my mouth. Villanelle held my waist as I ran my fingers through her smooth blonde hair. -Are you sure about this?- she pulled away gently and whispered a little out of breath. I nodded and left a trail of kisses down her neck as I pulled her closer. She tilted her head back and sighed as my lips touched her skin behind her ears.
A few moments later she took over control and slid her tongue into my mouth while stroking my back. She unzipped my dress and lifted me up holding my thighs strongly. Villanelle pushed me up against the closest wall hard enough that a moan escaped my mouth as my back hit and slid down on the cold surface. She smiled into the kiss when she heard the sound I made and left a trail of kisses on my neck and chest. I helped her get rid of her blazer and unbuttoned her silver shirt too. The sight of her upper body was intoxicating, she was just enough muscular and her breasts looked fantastic in her black bra. She smoothly removed my jumpsuit from my shoulders and upper body first and leaned down helping me to step out from the black dress.
I wondered how different it is to have sex with a woman than a man, and what a shame that the majority of my partners were men before. Thanks to my ,,licentious phase'' (which technically never ended) I had experience with women, which appeared to be super useful at that moment.
I quickly grabbed V's belt and attempted to unfasten it but her hands met mine as she quickly did the work for me. After a few minutes of exploring each other's body I pushed Villanelle on the bed and sat on her lap while kissing her. She smiled into the kiss once again because of this movement and switched up the position by placing me on the bed from her lap and sitting on my hips. Both of her thighs were strongly holding my sides as she pushed me fully on the bed. She obviously couldn't be not the dominant person which didn't surprise me. She slid her fingers up on my arms and lifted them to my ears interlacing her fingers with mine. She covered my body with kisses.
After that we stayed in bed for hours and we both pleased each other successfully. Honestly I think I forgot what it's like to have long, enjoyable sex until that day. We were exhausted by the end of our ,,session'' and fell asleep in each other's arms. A few ironic thought entered my mind about how last night we slept in this same exact bed not even facing each other and now I'm laying my head on her chest, holding her close and interlacing my legs with hers. Surprisingly the rush of regrets that I normally experience at this stadium never came and I easily felt asleep.

I woke up early and ascertained that we stayed in the same position for the whole night. I carefully removed Villanelle's arm from my body and rolled out from the sheets to take a shower. After I stepped out from the shower and finished brushing my teeth I immediately went back to the bedroom with a towel around my body. Villanelle was sitting on the bed still between the sheets but now she was awake. -You took a shower and didn't even invite me?- she smirked as I walked in. -Good morning to you too, freak- I answered smugly and casually dropped the towel before dressing up. I felt her gaze on me as the towel landed on the floor. We both smiled to ourselves. -Don't you want to get ready too?- I said after letting her stare at me for a minute. -Actually... I don't want to but I have to- Villanelle smiled and got out of bed to check her phone.
-Holly shit we have to hurry. I promised Konstantin that we won't miss the flight back to Paris- she said loudly after she looked at the time.
-Paris? What are you talking about?- I asked in confusion.
-We are going home today, remember?- She took a quick look at me.
-I have to go back to Amsterdam Villanelle. I live there, remember?- I copied her sarcasm but stayed in confusion. She rolled her eyes first and sighed.
-Yeah, but I can give you everything and you have a much better job now, you can do whatever you want!- she started packing her things from the bathroom. I silently watched her while she walked past me and placed her things in the suitcase. I freezed and tried to figure out what am I going to do.
-What are you thinking? Say something please!- Villanelle dragged me out from my thoughts and stood infront of me.
-I'm going home Villanelle- I said angrily. -I have an apartment
and all my things there- I continued.
-We can go back for some things next week. Don't you want a new life anyway? In Paris, ... with me?- she looked straight into my eyes and questioned me.
-Why don't YOU leave YOUR things behind and come to Amsterdam with me than?- I tried to make her understand what I'm feeling by saying these words.
-What do you mean?- it was visible that she was in confusion too at this point.
-I'm not going with you- I said quietly feeling a bit heartbroken by ending these more than great two days like this.
-Well, I'm not going without you- Villanelle said hysterically and acted more angry than sad.
-I think you will. We should both go home.- I ended the conversation and started picking up my things from all over the room.


uhh sorry for being a little late with this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! I've never written a smut before so this was kinda weird and i didn't want to make it too smutty hahah. Let me know what do you think!!!! And please please vote if you liked it. :)

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