italy baby

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We ended up going to Villanelle's hotelroom after we left the apartment. The hotel was amazing from the outside and the inside as well. Her apartment was on the 6th floor which was apparently the highest floor of the building and she stayed in the presidential suite. I was shocked how beautiful the place looked. The apartment was large, and perfectly designed. There was a bit of a mess in her bedroom because of the unnecessarily huge amount of clothes.

Villanelle aggressively tried to pack everything she bought in the past days as quickly as she could. I walked to the bedroom and stopped in the entrance. I rested the side of my head on the door frame and watched her while she was folding and placing the million clothes into the suitcase and into the bags in which she bought them. I smiled because I could tell that she was really into dressing up and spending money on clothes. At the end she squeezed everything together so well that one suitcase and 3 smaller shopping bags were enough to carry everything and we were on our way to the airport.

-Where are we going exactly?- I asked her while we sat next to each other in the back of a taxi. -It's a surprise!- she answered mysteriously with a big smugly smile on her face. -Great, that is great...- I said sarcastically, while nodding. I took a deep breath and turned my head to the window. I wasn't mad about it, in fact I was looking forward to travel a little, still it was a bit hard to put aside my paranoia especially with a stranger assassin woman next to me.
We arrived to the airport, Villanelle immediately got out of the taxi and took her things out from the trunk. I stayed in the taxi for a minute and payed for the ride as well. When I stepped out of the car Villanelle was already on the way to the entrance. I sighed, took my suitcase out too and tapped the back of the car twice indicating that he can go now. I started walking fastly after Villanelle. I caught up with her and we checked in for the earliest flight to Milan.

Villanelle was in control of the tickets, and she bought two of them to business class. I took out my wallet from the pocket of my coat but she held my hands for a second and pushed it away, meaning that she won't let me pay for my ticket. We got on the plane right in time.

The plane arrived to Milan in 3 hours. We didn't really talk because I slept in for about 2 hours while we were on the plane and I only woke up when we've almost arrived. I don't know if she slept at all because when I woke up she was already awake. I opened my eyes and I immediately looked at her. She was watching some kind of movie with earphones in her ears. I sat up straight, took a deep breath and tilted my head to both sides to move my neck a bit. She gently took her earphones out and looked at me. -Did you sleep well?- she asked with her deep voice, sounding a little flirty. I replied with a nod and a short 'uhumm' considering that I was still half asleep. The plane landed and so we just had to wait for it to park.

She looked back to the screen where she watched the movie for a second after that she looked back at me for also one second and finally she turned her head back to the screen and smiled to herself. I did exactly the same movement because everytime I felt her gaze on me I turned my face to her too. I could see her smile and so I was curious what was that about, slightly hoping that I didn't look stupid. -What?- I asked her rapidly. -Nothing, you just look cute when you're half asleep- Villanelle said looking at the screen and she kept smiling. Right after that the pilot started talking into the microphone, 
informing us that we landed safely and we can start leaving the plane. -You better not be flirting with me right now- I said laughing and acting slightly arrogantly. Before she could answer I stood up, grabbed everything I had with me on the plane and began to walk.

We had no time for sightseeing or anything like that before the kill, we could barely get our suitcases on the airport because of the rush we were in. In the taxi I asked Villanelle how the hotel room choosing and booking works and she told me that The Twelve usually books apartments for the assassins and they have their connections in each city. I mostly just nodded and stored the information for myself.

Me and Villanelle got to the hotel, it was gorgeous even from the outside. We took the elevator and walked to the room. When I stepped in and looked around I realized that there weren't two separate beds in the apartment but one huge double bed. I stopped in the bedroom's door and wondered how weird it is that The Twelve booked such unideal place for us. Villanelle came next to me, stopped and stood with tilted head and crossed arms looking at the bed just like I did. She then walked to the bed and laid down on it. -Did they tell that I should come with you?- I asked her lightly. -Not really- She said with that little Russian accent of hers. -Did YOU tell them that I'm coming?- I asked a little less lightly and more concerned. -Not really- She answered with the exact same words and tone looking at me. -Soo am I not supposed to be here?- I asked now impatiently between deeper and deeper breaths. -Not really- She said the same sentence for the third time but now little more uncertainly. I got really angry but no words left my mouth. I just stood there trying to find words of how angry I am when she stood up and walked to me. She softly touched both of my shoulders, slid her fingers down on my arms and gently grabbed my hands. -It's going to be fun, I promise- She said.

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