we can stay

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Next morning when I woke up the only things next to me were the crumpled white sheets and the empty other side of the bed. The rays of the sun gently streamed into the room through the pearlescent sheer curtains. I could barely open my eyes from the sunlight at first but I managed to sit up and look around. The majestic beige double bedroom door was closed and from the position of the wardrobe's and cupboards' doors I could tell that someone, obviously Villanelle in this case already got dressed. The bathroom which was directly connected to the bedroom was also empty.
After stretching my body I stood up and began getting ready. The steam hit me in the face when I finally arrived to the entrance of the bathroom. A few candles were lightened on the edge of the bathtub, and the scent was rich and suffocating in a good way. If I had to describe Villanelle's fragrance it was always sort of like that, dominated by the notes of vanilla, honey and woods. I spent 5 minutes in the bathroom subconsciously making sure that there is nothing objectionable about my appearance. I decided to wear something normal and comfortable so I chose a big white shirt and a satin short under that and I put my hair up in a messy bun. I was hoping that Villanelle didn't leave the apartment and she is still somewhere inside.
I carefully opened the sublime bedroom door making as few sounds as possible. As I walked to the living room and kitchen area I spotted Villanelle facing the kitchen counter. I took a few steps closer and observed her movements silently. She was concentrating on making breakfast, immersing herself in her work. I stood without making any noise for a few seconds just admiring her. I walked to the counter and continued looking at her, but I didn't say anything to make sure I'm not disturbing the process. She made several warm meals such as omelette, sausages and waffles and in addition to these perfectly prepared meals she chopped up vegetables and fruits too. Everything looked heavenly, just like on a fancy brunch.
-Hi!- she turned around after she placed the steaming omelette on a plate. -Wow! I didn't know you're such a morning person- I said ironically, but I added a little smile and laugh to that. -Whaaat? I just made some breakfast- she continued with the same sarcasm and smile and got a few waffles out from the waffle maker. Wow they even have waffle makers here I thought to myself. -It's all done. Would you get out two plates for us please?- she demanded politely and placed the different food on the counter one by one.
After everything was on the counter we sat next to each other on two bar stools. Our legs were touching. She offered me from everything before she served herself, all though she didn't always wait for the answer and just gave me from the food. When I took the first bite she basically stared at me motionless waiting for my reaction. -Mhm- I hummed and smiled immediately to reassure her that everything is great-Is it good?- she asked with the famous Russian accent. I said a little 'uhum' as an answer and continued eating. She began to eat too and we didn't even talk while eating because both of us were mesmerized by the incredible flavors.
I'm not sure if it was because she made it but it truly was the best breakfast of my life even though I'm not much of a breakfast person. -That was the most amazing breakfast I've ever had Villanelle- I voiced my thoughts as we finished eating. -Well yeah, I'm a good chef- she answered smugly, smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't help myself but laugh on that answer because this attitude was so much like her. -Sooo what are the plans for today?- I stopped giggling and asked her. -Well... we can stay...- she said basically questioning me if I wanted to. -For how long?- I was pretty surprised that she was actually nice to me for the past few minutes. -We could have a last day here and leave tomorrow morning. If you want that- she answered with seriousness but her tone was still friendly. -One last day huh? Seems fun- I nodded and answered adding a small but honest smile to it. -What would you like to do?- she laid her elbows and forearms on the counter and turned her face to me. From this angle she looked even more attractive which she probably knew and that's why she did the whole movement. She was wearing a matching plaid outfit and her short sleeved shirt was half-unbuttoned. I tried not to get unfocused and I answered quickly -What would YOU like to do?- I know this is practically not an answer. -Maybe we can check out the city and some stores- she translated her thoughts into words -and have a dinner or anything- she continued. -Sounds great-I answered politely with a smile. -Wait are you just being polite right now?- she asked pretending to be in confusion. -Absolutely not!- I said loudly and playfully as I stood up and walked to the bedroom to put on jeans and find my wallet.

We went to designer shops and boutiques, tried on and bought a few clothes and accessories which was super fun obviously for both of us. Villanelle spent a ton of money without being worried and I tried to keep up with her as much as I could. We had a coffee too and visited a few sights of the city. Everything was perfect and normal but definitely not too cheesy which made me and Villanelle happy too. Every moment was sort of special and sexy but not too obvious or romantic. We decided to go back to the apartment take a shower and have dinner in a restaurant after that.
I got ready in the bedroom and Villanelle in the bathroom as yesterday. I chose a black sleeveless jumpsuit with wide legs and sharp, plunging neckline which we bought that day by the way. It contoured the shape of my body very well. After that I put the outfit and jewelry on and did my hair too I decided to go with a light makeup too considering that Villanelle wasn't ready yet. She finally came out from the bathroom and she was fully dressed. Breathtaking... I thought. Her black satin blazer matched her straight pants. Under the black blazer she wore a really unique silver shirt, fully buttoned. Her belt buckle was gold which surprisingly didn't ruin the outfit at all, it looked amazing. -You look beautiful- she complimented me. I blushed from her compliment  obviously. -You look... breathtaking too- I looked her up and down and said. -Come on, let's go- she continued after a few moments of eye contact and offered me an arm. I accepted the nice gesture and slid my hands on her arm.
We went to an expensive Italian restaurant and sat at a table for two. We ordered a bottle of wine, pasta for main courses and desserts too. The small amount of alcohol helped with letting off steam and being able to talk about literally anything. First we talked about jobs, mostly V told stories about her life as an assassin, and asked me about my ,,normal'' jobs before. I told her that first I was a dancer at that bar in Amsterdam but then I became close with the boss and started working as a bar manager. She found that really funny and interesting. -So you were a stripper or something?- she asked with a high pitch and started smiling mischievously. -God, I knew you will be interested in that part...- I rolled my eyes. -I wouldn't call it like that exactly but well, we had to entertain the people and the people were mostly men... So the answer is no but also yes. Think about it however you wish to.- I flirted. -I probably will think about it- she answered seductively and drank from her wine.
We talked about our personal life too but considering that both of us were far away from our families physically and emotionally too and we had no relationships for the past months it wasn't a long conversation. Even though we had a few ridiculous stories about our ex-relationships and partners, especially Villanelle. She told a story about that one time she accidentally poisoned her own boyfriend.
It was almost midnight so we finished the wine and decided to take a walk home. The sky was fully dark only the moon and a few stars and were visible. The streets were dark and empty, the street lighting wasn't the best in the neighborhood. Villanelle grabbed the small of my waist and held me closer once a middle aged, slightly drunk guy looked me up and down and came awfully close while walking past us. After that we didn't break this position until we got to the building.

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