Chapter 2 - I'm here for you

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Work goes as it usually does, I answer the phone of someone who has trouble with their internet. Their voices are usually calm but I can hear hints of anger that they're trying to conceal. Sometimes I hear a middle aged woman complaining about how expensive the internet is. Whatever it was, I'd already heard it before. By evening I'm nearly done with work so I go get a glass of water to drink. The heat is starting to increase more and more each day. Spring is starting to arrive, soon the cold nights will be gone. Maybe I could go to the beach when the weather is good, although I'm not sure if going to the beach alone would be fun. Actually that's kind of sad.

On my way back home I walk along the train station waiting for the next train to arrive.The train tracks are shining in the light of the sunset. I should go eat out today since it's payday. Maybe I can get something nice, like pizza or cake. Cake for dinner sounds really unhealthy, but then again, I live alone so no one can judge me or my lifestyle. The thought of a good dinner is starting to make me hungry. I look around the station to see if the train has arrived yet. No it's still not here. But then my eyes catch something else...

Standing next to me is a woman about my age, waiting just like me. She's wearing a white blouse with blue polka dots and a long red skirt. What an interesting colour combination.

She has black hair and bright, green eyes.

Green eyes...

It can't be her.

It can't be -

I look over to my side to see her locking eyes with me. Her face looks the same. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

I can't believe it.

I spent my whole life thinking you never existed yet here you are standing next to me.

She looks like how I saw her in my dreams, the sunsets glow casting a large silhouette of her. She looks older now, but the one thing that stayed the same were her bright, green eyes.

For a while we both just stood there, just looking into each other's eyes still in disbelief of what was happening.

She starts slowly walking over to me and says "Is that really you?"

"Wait. You know who I am?!" I answer in surprise.

She nods and says "You're the person that was in my dreams every night. We talked about stupid movies and Fruits Basket right? Do you... remember those dreams?"

"Yeah... I do. You were always standing at a train station when it was sunset."

The person that I talked to for all those years is a living, breathing human.

We stand there for a long time in silence, as the sun sets and the moon peeks out of the clouds.

"Well... We finally meet" I say smiling cheerfully.

She smiles "Thank you for talking to me all those years, you helped me during my loneliest times. When no one talked to me or bothered to look at me, you were the only friend I had."

"You helped me when I was lonely too. You were the only person I could ever talk to you. And for all these years I thought maybe I was crazy for dreaming about having a friend, that my loneliness was really getting to me. But here you're here right now, right in front of me.

"Oh yeah" she says "What's your name?"

"Wait, you don't know my name?"

"Yeah. Whenever you mentioned it I never remembered it when I woke up." she says

"Oh yeah. That happened to me too" I says

I straighten my back and take a deep breath in and then exhale "My name is Oliver. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"My name is August." she says "I'm glad we met again" She extends her hand out.

I shook it.

Let's laugh about things that don't matter again.

Let's watch the sun peek through the clouds like we did back then.

Let's watch the sun rise and fall once again.

Let's tell jokes and complain about work.

Let's eat the best food in town.

Let's watch sad movies and try not to cry.

Because today I found you.

What a beautiful day.

Dreams of a SunsetOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz