Chapter 12

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Tomorrow is the training camp! Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya and Sanae are scrolling through the usual morning news using their new cellphones that they bought last weekend. 

"Hi, Hakurei," Jiro said, walking towards them. "Are you reading the news?"

"Yeah," Reimu murmured, without looking up.

"Have you read about the new mysterious sighting?"

That got Reimu's attention, "What?"

"Look at this,"

Kyoka Jiro showed them her phone. It was a video of a blurred figure zooming around in the city.

"Weird figure of a girl zooming around the city. Inspectors managed to find out that she was holding a camera," The news reporter said. "Could this be a villain? Spying on the city? Now, for an interview with Hawks about this,"

The video switched to a scene of a man with red wings and a yellow jacket with an interviewer.

"Hello Hawks," the interviewer said. "There has been accusations that you might have been related to this girl,"

"I don't have any siblings nor children," Hawks replied.

"But apparently, this girl has wings like you do. And she obviously flies faster then you do,"

"Again, Miss. I don't recognize her,"

"Is she a villain?"

"I doubt it. Why would she wear long heels to battle?"

"So you're defending her, now,"

"I think that's rather obvious,"

And the scene switched back to the news reporter, "If any of you find this person, please take a picture and contact the nearest hero. Don't forget, she has black wings, white clothes and high heels. If she holds a camera, that's definitely her,"

Jiro stopped the video, "And here... it says if she turns out to be a villain and somebody catches her, they receive... $2000!"

"Woah! That's a lot!" Kaminari cried.

The other students were now crowded around them.

"Two-thousand dollars..." Uraraka murmured.

At that moment, Aizawa entered the room. He seemed suspicious that everyone was crowded around his four top suspects, he rearranged his face to his usual self.

"Class, settle down," He said.

The students scrambled to their seats.

"Before we start, has any of you seen someone looking like this?" He clicked something on his remote. 

A holographic image of the girl in the news appeared. Nobody replied. Aizawa watched the girls carefully. They don't seem to know her. If they do, they're not showing it. Aizawa thought. He narrowed his eyes. He observed them closely. Hakurei seems bored, Kirisame seems... defiant, Sanae seems worried, and Sakuya has an excellent poker face. 

"Nobody?" Aizawa asked. "Okay then. I just want to announce that everyone will attend the training camp,"

The class cheered and continued with the usual morning class. During lunch, the whole class was seated around a table and was chatting excitedly.

"If we capture the villain, we can get two thousand dollars!" Kirishima exclaimed. "We could be rich!"

"Calm down," Jiro said. "That's not enough to by a house,"

"But still...!" 

"If I get her, I can help my parents!" Uraraka said wistfully, looking at the table.

"That's very nice," Midoriya answered.

"Thanks, Deku,"

"Deku?" Sanae asked.

"Oh, you were absent while we picked our hero names," Midoriya said. "The teachers said that you'll just have to use your first name because you missed that class,"

"It's alright. But why did you choose 'Deku'?" 

"Well...," Midoriya lowered his voice. "It started as a nickname when Kakugou bullied me, but I realized that it makes a nice hero name,"

"I know, right?" Uraraka chimed in. "It sounds perfect,"

Midoriya blushed and continued his lunch.

"Also, before this new villain arrived, did you hear the news about the previous one?" Uraraka asked.

"Which one? There seemed to be a random uprise of villains," Marisa said.


She showed them a picture of a blond girl with a red dress and rainbow wings.

"I think she looks cute," Uraraka said. "Sunlight seems to be her weakness since she always flies in the shadows,"

"What happened to her?" Reimu asked.

"No idea. Rumors said that she was killed. Some said she never existed and it was simply a hoax. Others said that it was an easily burnable robot that got destroyed,"

"Which one do you believe?" Sakuya asked.

"I don't know... she looks rather nervous,"


"Mhm... if you look at her eyes closely, you can see a slight nervous look,"


"Yep, I feel like I want to help her. Isn't that what heroes are meant to do?"

"Midoriya, Uraraka, Hakurei, Kochiya, Izayoi, Kirisame! Lunch is almost over!" Iida cried from the other side of the table.

"See you soon," Uraraka whispered and she left.

After school

"Argh! Why can't that stupid tengu just stop messing around!" Reimu yelled. "We're trying to protect Gensokyo, but now we have to worry of ONE SINGLE TENGU POKING AROUND THE OUTSIDE WORLD!!!" 

"Ooh! Shrine maiden gets angry at a poor cowering tengu," Marisa mimicked.

"The last time she was this annoying was when she found out something people here call 'memes'," Reimu said grumpily.

"Your armpits do look fancy," Sanae giggled.

Reimu glowered at her, "And a snake in your is a very epic fashion statement,"

Marisa choked while drinking her newfound favorite beverage, sparkling water called coke.

"You're addicted to that drink," Sakuya said.

"And you kept loosing your pads,"

Sakuya grew red. The rest of the girls laughed uncontrollably.

"A-Alright, that's enough," Reimu managed to stand and tried to not stammer. "We need to get that tengu back to Gensokyo,"

And they did homework and stuff.

Ok, that was the messiest ending I've ever seen. Nothing to say here. See you in the Epilogue!

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