Chapter 3

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It is the sports festival! Midnight spun another wheel on the screen for their second challenge.

"Now, you will need to compete in the Cavalry Battle!" She shouted.

She explained the rules how teams of four need to be formed; with three people carrying someone who has a headband depending on their score. 

"And first place is worth ten million points!"

The students scattered everywhere, looking for partners. Most of them tried to avoid Sanae because her points are way too high. Some of them tried Sakuya as her points are worth 205.

Reimu walked towards Marisa, "I bet we are in the same team,"

"Okay!" Marisa replied, "I'll get Sakuya and Sanae,"


"What's the matter?"

"Didn't you listen? Sanae's points are worth ten million! Sakuya's points are worth two-hundred and five!"

"That means that if we win this, we're automatically first!"

"That means that most people will target us!"

"FIVE MINUTES LEFT!" Mike's voice boomed.

Sakuya and Sanae are already headed towards them; there is no turning back now.

"Can we be with you?" Sanae pleaded.

Marisa glanced that Reimu, "Yep,"

They walked together towards Midnight for their headband.

"First and Second together?" Midnight asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"We'll risk it," Sakuya said.

"So your total is... 10 000 575," Midnight said, "Here is your headband,"

Sanae put on the headband while the others are trying to make a horse formation.

"ARE YOU READY?" Mike yelled.


The instand that he said that, ice started seeping through the floor again. Sakuya reversed the effect like she did in the race in time as Todoroki's team charged towards them. They'll need to focus on preventing the others from stealing their headband. Then, they heard a bang on their right. Bakugou's team was charging towards them. Their rider was in position to steal their headband.

"Oh no you don't!" Sanae cried, using Shield which hit the other team.

They ran towards a corner without too much people. Immediately, the people around charged towards them. They were trapped. A dark figure of a bird lunged forward to grab it. Unfortunately for it, a knife was there waiting to strike it.

"Binding Border!" Reimu yelled, causing luminous blue walls appear around each team except for theirs. Several didn't have time to brake and crashed into it.

"Can we steal theirs?" Marisa whined, "I kind of want to turn the tables,"

"All right then," Sakuya replied, "Let them get close first,"

"You have some sort of plan?"

"Yeah, you can call it a plan,"

Most of the other teams recovered their wits and charged at them again. 

"ZA WARUDO!" Sakuya yelled when they were about a meter from them, she tried to make the time continue for her other teammates.

"Whoa..." Sanae murmured looking at the frozen teams.

When Touhou met MHA | Book 2: Barriers and BordersWhere stories live. Discover now