Chapter 0: Izuku and Izumi

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I've seen multiple fan fics about an Izuku Yagi that has been neglected so I thought about writing one myself.

Izuku Yagi's POV

I woke up and was happier than I had ever been before, because it was my fourth birthday, meaning that me and my sister Izumi are getting quirks.

We ran into our parents bedroom and jumped on their bed.

"Wake up, wake up, we're getting our quirks today" my sister and me shouting at the same time.

"Toshinori, can you make me some coffee" Inko groaned as she lazily woke up.

Her skeleton-looking husband got up and dragged his wife and children into the kitchen.

"Okay, eat your breakfast and then we shall go to the quirk doctor to find out what your quirks are" he said as he passed out bowls and cereal.

"I hope I get a quirk like All Might, the number one hero" I said while mimicking his signature grin/smile. My dad chuckled a bit at this.

"And I want to be like Mindwave, the number 8 hero" my sister said as she held up her figure of her favourite pro hero.

We quickly finished our breakfast and went to change and brush our teeth.

"I can't wait to get my quirk" Izumi said while brushing our teeth.

"Same" I replied, also through the toothpaste.

We finished and ran downstairs to get into the car. We bouncing up and down in our seats because we were too ecstatic.

"Calm down Izuku, Izumi, we'll be there soon" My mum said, we calmed down slightly after hearing this.

"Izumi we'll become the best super hero duo ever won't we" I asked my sister.

"I promise brother" she said as we hugged each other.

--Time skip to doctors office--

"Mr and Mrs Yagi, please may your twins follow me into the next room for the tests" the doctor said as he adjusted his glasses.

We rushed into the other room and the doctor did the tests to find our quirks.

"Mr and Mrs Yagi, I have good news and bad news, what would you like first" the doctor said with a bit of sadness in his voice.

My parents looked and each other before my mum asked for the 'bad news'.

"Ok, so the bad news is that your son, Izuku Yagi, is technically quirk less" he said this and the word ring in my head over and over again, "but he has what we call a hidden quirk, so it will not appear unless in time of danger or despair".

I dropped my All Might figure and soundlessly cried my eyes out. My parents looked at me sadly.

"Meanwhile, your daughter, Izumi Yagi, was a enhanced telekinesis quirk from your mother".

All traces of sadness from my parents faces disappeared to be replaced with pure happiness. Well of course, my sister had a powerful quirk based off my mother's.

"Let's go celebrate" my father said as she lifted Izumi and they left the building.

"Hey kid" the doctor turned to me, "I'm sorry but I hope you can find a way to become a great pro hero anyway" I looked at her with tears still flooding my eyes.

"Thank you" I whispered before leaving the office.

I walked to the car park to see that the car was not there.

"They forgot me, already, they've left me alone" I said as I began to walk home, "surely this will be over soon".

(Good luck Izuku)

Izuku: who was that

(Oh no I broke my own fourth wall)

Izuku: wait, do I get a quirk

(I don't want to spoil it for the readers but kind of)

Izuku: do you know when

(Of course I'm the author, I've said to much, see you soon kid)

Izuku: er, bye I guess

"That was odd" I said as I walked through the park that was nearby.

"Hey DEKU, how was the appointment" Kacchan walked to me after running out of the forest.

But I kept walking.

"Hey nerd, I asked you a question, what's your quirk" I said as he came closer.

I whispered 'quirk less' so he couldn't hear.

"What was that" he said as he continued closer.

I began to run with tears flowing down my face, I continued running and running home.

When I returned home, I found my family eating lunch, but they didn't make enough for everyone.

"Mummy, can I have an apple" I walked up to my mum and pulled her T-shirt.

"In the fridge" she replied without even looking at me.

I sadly walked towards it and got an apple before walking towards my room.

"I hope they don't forget me" I said before chomping on my apple.

--Ten years later--

I woke up and prepared for the torture that was called school. I grabbed my bandages and medicines from my shelves, that was the only part of my room that didn't have All Might merch.

My room smelled of dried blood and medicines, it was pungent, but I got used to it on the third year.

I walked to the convenience store before heading off to school to buy some breakfast.

Since I was pronounced quirk less, I had been neglected for the rest of my life, I lived for six years off of scraps from my family's meals until I worked part time jobs.

I thought that I had friends, but now I only have one, my good friend Shoto Todoroki.

3rd POV Flashback

Izumi: he's been sitting in that corner and crying everyday since the quirk appointment.

Katsuki: but the nerd still wants to be a hero huh.

Shota: he could get hurt if he does become a hero.

Shoto: but Izuku is resilient, I'm sure he would make it.

Katsumi: we should convince him not to. But how.

Izumi: how about we bully him to show him how dangerous hero work is.

(Good boy) Shoto: NO don't do that.

Shoto then walked over towards Izuku and hugged him.

Shoto: I'm here for you Izuku

Izuku: Thanks Shoto, you're a good friend.

Shoto left to get food from the daycare cooks.

During this time the group of four (Izumi, Katsuki, Katsumi and Shota) came to Izuku and began to beat him up.

This continues for 10 years while Shoto stayed with Izuku and tried to stop them.

End flashback

Izuku POV

"Time for more pain".

Word count 1073

I hope you liked the first chapter, well chapter 0, tell me if you like it, I plan to work one 2 other seconds so these all will update when I get and idea for the stories.

Deku shrine

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