Chapter Two

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Izuku's POV ( In the Forest )

I had just finished my fight with Muscular. I was running through the forest, trying to find Kacchan.

They were targeting him, I had to find him and protect him. I was so stuck in my thoughts, I didn't realize I ran into Shoji.

"Midoriya! Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine, we just need to find Kacchan," I said, completely out of breath.

He nodded, lifted me up, and carried me on his back. We ran all through the forest and found Todoroki.

"Somebody in a mask and a top hat placed Bakugo in a marble and flew off with it. He went that way," he pointed west.

"Ok, let's go find him then," and we made our way west. After more running, we found Uraraka getting attacked by some girl with space buns. We scared her off, and now Uraraka and Tsuyu were helping as.

"Come on, let's keep going," Uraraka said, and we kept running. Finally we found the man with Kacchan, and he had Tokoyami as well.

He flew off, and I came up with a plan for Uraraka to make as float, and Tsuyu to launch us into him. Let me just say, it worked, with a lot of pain.

After we... landed, we fought with some of the villains for Kacchan and Tokoyami. The girl with space buns almost got me, if it wasn't for Shoji.

We got Tokoyami, but failed to get Bakugo. They let them out of the marbles, and Kacchan gave me a look of pure anger.

"Kacchan!" I yelled and started to run after him. That's when I felt somebody touch me, and everything thing went black.

Todoroki's POV

"Kacchan!" I heard Midoriya yell, as he was running after him.

I was still stunned by the burned guy grabbing Bakugo before I could. That's when that Magician guy touched him and he turned into a marble.

"Midoriya!" I yelled but I was too late. He was in the marble and through the portal.

Everybody was just, standing there. There wasn't much we could do, beside just stand there and wait for the pros.

I could help but feel like I failed, the one person that didn't give up on me, I failed him. Damn it, I guess it's just time for a pity party.

Back to Izuku's POV ( At the LOV Base )

When I woke up, I was laying in a bed. My hands and feet were chained, and I had a gag over my mouth.

"HELP!" I tried to yell, but the gag was preventing me. That's when Tomura Shigaraki ran in.

"Are you alright Izuku?" he asked me with... worry?

I started to thrash around in the chain, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I was yelling behind the gag, starting to cry. He pulled me into a, a hug!?

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok. I'm here, I'll protect you." I was so confused. The guy, who almost killed me twice, was giving me a hug?!

He took the gag off of me, my cries becoming more audible.

He just rubbed my back, "W-Why am I h-here?"

He lifted my head up a bit so I would make eye contact with him, "Because I need to protect my little brother."

"I-I'm not y-your little b-brother," I said trying to sound confident, but I was scared half to death.

"Don't worry, I'll reverse everything that they forced into your mind. Your mother shouldn't have kept us from you," I shuddered at the reference of my mother.

My mother wasn't the... nicest woman. She beat me, called me a quirkless reject, the whole sha-bang.

"I'm going to protect, from now on. I won't let anybody hurt my little brother. I bet your hungry, I'll get you some food."

He let me go, and walked out the door. Leaving me there, crying my eyes out.

( Author-Chan here, and I hoped you enjoyed. I want to get as many chapters as I can because I'm on spring break and the rest of the year is going to be tight. So, goodbye guys, girls, and non-binary peeps >:3 )

" I Love You Little Brother " A Kidnapped Izuku Fanfic.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin