chapter three -

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chapter three-

Jae Hee

I was the last to finish up in the lab. All the dirty jobs have been given to me, like cleaning up the spills, waste disposal, and disinfecting the glassware. After the last flask was placed in storage, I clock out of the laboratory and turn off the lights. All my workmates have finished two hours earlier. They might have even had dinner. I'm pretty sure the cafeteria was closed by now. Today was a grueling first day, and I couldn't wait to get to my room and sleep. It is well past 1 am and I am drained. I finally drag my way into my room. I drop my bag on the floor with a thud and reach for my phone in my pocket. I have to tell Junko about my first day or she'll be worried as hell.

"Shit." I curse. I realize I dropped my phone in the clinic this morning. I must have been too much in a hurry to leave or was in too much shock to think straight. I don't have a day off in 3 weeks, which meant I'd have to try and survive without a phone. At this point, I was too tired to worry. I quickly got ready for bed.

I recall the events of my first day as I lay in bed, waiting to fall asleep. Amongst everything that happened, this morning was most absurd. Who would've thought I'd run into Chairman Jang so early in the morning, in that circumstance? My mind starts racing. Who could have beaten him up so badly? Wasn't he the most powerful symbol of authority in this place?

My eyes get heavier and heavier. Before I know it, I fall into a pit of unconsciousness.

The second day is less eventful than the first, so far. I walk around the lab, ticking things off my clipboard one by one. At the rate I'm working, I may finish early and spend the rest of my day in my room. The thought puts a smile on my face. I could use a long shower and maybe curl up in my bed with a good book.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my daydream. Kyung Soon peeks through the tiny window on the door. She smiles widely and presses her face against the glass, making me laugh out loud. I take off my lab coat and hang it on the rack before approaching and opening the door. I could use a break.

"What's up?" I greet her warmly.

"Want to grab lunch? It's nearly 2 pm. I've been trying to call you."

"Sorry, I lost my phone..."

She raises an eyebrow as she links her arm through mine. "You lost it within two days of being here?"

I open my mouth then close it, catching myself almost spilling the beans on the secret that could cost me my job. My mind scrambles for an excuse instead. "I must have left it in the cafeteria..."

"Dr. Jae Hee," someone calls from behind me, and we both turn. My supervisor approached quickly, a hint of worry on his face. He looks at me then at Kyung Soon. "May I speak to you in private?"

Kyung Soon looks at me and pulls away, telling me she'd wait for me at the cafeteria. Judging from the looks of my supervisor, this can't be good. As Kyung Soon disappears around the corner, he says in a hushed voice "The Chairman wants you in his office..."


"Chairman Jang, in his office. Right now." He ushers me towards the elevator and before I knew it, he was pressing the button to the fifth floor. The door closes and I'm trapped inside without another word. I start to feel nervous, my heart racing in my chest. Suddenly I feel stuffy and claustrophobic as I watch the numbers change slowly; 2....3....4....5....

The elevator comes to a halt and dings open. In front of me are the familiar hallways that lead to Chairman Jang's clinic, although brighter now that it's midday. As soon as I step out I'm met by two bodyguards, both in black suits and looking like they could snap my neck like a twig.

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