Chapter 9: Rainbow Falls

Start from the beginning

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for 'perfect'!

Rainbow manages to combine an eye roll, a head shake, and a hoof clapped to her face in one disgusted instant which (Y/N) notices.

(Y/N): Oh, come on. At least try some of them.

Rainbow Dash: Look as much as I want to, we need to get focused on the real priority of not getting rusty once we get into the tryouts. So. . . Team!

The two Pegasi fall into formation in front of her and (Y/N).

Rainbow Dash: Show me what you got! Put some bend into those knees! Flap those wings! 

Both Bulk and Fluttershy gets their wings going as Rainbow circles back around to face them.

Rainbow Dash: And I want to see all four hooves off the ground on the count of three!

Her two teammates brace for liftoff then nothing but a sly smile from their captain. After a long silence, she speaks again.

Rainbow Dash: *quickly* One two three!

Both Fluttershy and Bulk flap mightily, the former rising slowly off the ground in fits and starts, the latter grunting and yelling for all he is worth as he ascends at an almost glacial pace.

(Y/N): Bulk! Make you sure breathe as well! Even the most athletic ponies need oxygen!

The massive stallion lets out the breath he has been holding, but this is enough to make him lose his lift and he starts dropping back down to the ground. He grabs Fluttershy's tail, prompting a cry from her as she gets dragged down as well.

Rainbow covers her face and (Y/N) cringes as they both brace for impact, and it ends up with both them and Fluttershy wounded up pinned under Bulk's sheer poundage and are struggling weakly to extricate themselves. Pinkie then stands up behind the pile.

Pinkie Pie: 'P' is for, uhh. . . 'pain'?

Rainbow Dash groans weakly and lets her chin thump onto the dirt.

(Y/N): Yep. . . Definitely got some work that we need to do. . .

The very next day, all of the team including the rest of the Mane 7 were now on the train making their way to Rainbow Falls to get to the practice areas for the tryouts. Rainbow, (Y/N), and Twilight were all seating in the same seat as some other Pegasi address them.

Heila: Good luck, Rainbow Dash! Sorry we couldn't fly with you on the Aerial Relay, but the air sprinters needed us too.

Thunderlane: Too bad we can only compete in one event. *sighs* But rules are rules.

They both walk on as Twilight and (Y/N) wave after them.

Twilight Sparkle: Good luck!

(Y/N): It was a bummer that I'm not going to be able to be on the team since Princess Celestia and Princess Luna require Twilight and I to be representatives for the Equestria Games. 

Rainbow Dash puts on a guilty look as she was hoping to compete with (Y/N) as well. However, he smiles before wrapping a foreleg around Rainbow Dash.

(Y/N): But why should I care? I know that you're the most athletic flyer in Ponyville and that's more than enough to say that you'll carry Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy to qualify.

Rainbow smiles as she pecks (Y/N) on the cheek.

Rainbow Dash: Heh, thanks babe. That's saying a lot considering that I can pick up the slack for just about anypony.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now