Chapter 7: Bats!

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It is early in the morning as sunrise is near in Sweet Apple Acres as all of the trees in the orchard are fully loaded with fruit and Applejack is seen over top of a hill crouching down with a fierce smile in anticipation for when the sun comes up.

Applejack: Any minute now. . .

As she tenses for action, the first morning rays wash over the orchard and a rooster's crow makes itself heard loud and clear.

Applejack: Yee-haw! It's officially Apple Bucking Day!

She then trots through the orchard excited as she looks around at all of the apples on the trees.

Applejack: Look at all those apples! Ripe and juicy, perfect for buckin'!

She goes up to a tree and her hind legs come up to solidly make contact with a trunk, and a shower of apples in all colors tumbles down around her in slow motion. She lifts her head and forelegs, lost in the moment's bliss, and lets one particularly red apple drop toward her raised hooves. However, these apples weren't as fresh as she thinks they are as what happens next surprises Applejack.

Once the apple made contact with her hooves, it disintegrates into a spatter of pulp that ruins the farmer's good mood in a heartbeat. And to show her that it wasn't the only one, more shriveled apples rain down all around her.

Applejack: What the heck is goin' on?

She then looks up at the tree to only get a shocked gasp.

Applejack: *gasps* They're back!

A couple of silhouettes then fly across the trees make a familiar chittering sound of some nocturnal animals that are particularly fond of fruits.

Later in the morning feeling as though this was dire to the entire orchard, Applejack has rung the large bell that's above the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. She is then seen at the front doors of the barn as her six friends and Spike racing onto the property.

Applejack: Attention! This is a Sweet Apple Acres code red! I need all hooves – and claws – on deck!

Rarity: Calm down, Applejack.

Applejack get's in Rarity's face backing her up a bit.

Applejack: Calm down?! How can I calm down at a time like this?! Vampire fruit bats are attackin' Sweet Apple Acres!

Hearing the word "bats" immediately made (Y/N) froze up and his eyes shrunk to points as well.

(Y/N): B-Bats. . .? As in. . . Actual bats?

Applejack: What else could I possibly be referring to? Are ya afraid of bats or somethin'?

(Y/N) shakes his head extremely fast from that and gives a nervous smile.

(Y/N): A-Afraid of bats? No! Why would I be afraid of bats? Who would be afraid of bats? And why would you even ask that question? Are there bats around here now? 'Cause that's a weird question to ask just for no reason.

Everypony else gave (Y/N) some unconvinced looks as they could definitely tell that he has a fear of bats. Rainbow Dash starts to laugh out loud too.

Rainbow Dash: Ha ha! (Y/N)'s afraid of bats~!

(Y/N): I'm NOT afraid of bats, okay?!

Applejack: *rolls eyes* (That explains why ya never even come into the west orchard.)

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N)'s fear of bats aside. . .

(Y/N): NOT afraid of bats!

Twilight just gives him a dirty look before continuing.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now