Author Notes: Beginning of Arc 2, Recap, and. . . An Anime?

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Inside Nintega's workroom, the door is open to reveal Twilight as she walks in to see The Nintega Guy himself sitting on his gaming chair and typing on his laptop with fast fingers on every sentence that he's typing surprising her. She walks up right beside him.

Twilight Sparkle: So Nintega, whatcha working on?

The Nintega Guy: . . .

Being ignored, Twilight raises an eyebrow and waves her hoof in front of Nintega's face.

Twilight Sparkle: Uh, hello? Equestria to Nintega? Is anybody home in there?

The Nintega Guy still didn't respond as he was still typing on his laptop with immense concentration. 

Twilight Sparkle: You know if you're busy, you could just say so. . .

The Nintega Guy: . . .

Twilight was confused and flies up to take a look to see what Nintega was working on that it had to give so focus and what she saw next surprised her and he wasn't writing. . . he was coding something.

Twilight Sparkle: That's new. . . I thought you were about to start Season 4 of The Hero of Equestria. What's with all of the numbers and letters scrambled up like that?

The Nintega Guy still didn't answer as he sweats a little at how fast he was going and Twilight was now just getting annoyed as she sat back down the ground and decided to wait until she got the opportunity to speak to Nintega.

Three Hours Later. . .

Twilight was reading a book to herself bored from waiting this long for Nintega to get finished with whatever he was working on and eventually the author cracked a smile before pressing Enter on the keyboard and he jumps up excited surprising Twilight.

The Nintega Guy: FINALLY! After about six hours of nonstop typing, I've finally done it! 

Twilight Sparkle: Done what?

The Nintega Guy: Oh, sorry about ignoring you earlier Twilight. I couldn't take my eyes on wanting to finish this.

Twilight Sparkle: It looked pretty advanced what is it? Are you making another chapter with over 30,000 words?

The Nintega Guy: Um, that probably won't ever happen again until most likely Season 9 and that's not it. Thanks to some of the our other mechanic friends like Tails, Nepgear, and Futaba, I was able to code this special thing I had prepared for Season 4. And oh boy, aren't you, (Y/N), and the rest of your friends going to be in quite the exploration.

Twilight Sparkle: What do you mean?

The Nintega Guy: Ladies and gentleman, introducing an original chapter coming soon in Season 4 called MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (Anime Edition)!

Twilight Sparkle: Wait really?

The Nintega Guy: Back when I first started planning The Hero of Equestria, I was going to make everything humanized, but being the guy that likes to stay near canon stories, I scrapped that. Now, instead I'm going to make one. . . maybe more in the future original chapters where the entire Mane 7 go back to (Y/N)'s world Earth.

Twilight Sparkle: That's interesting, so I'm going to be human once more?

The Nintega Guy: Yeah, but. . . there will certain. . . "features" that I'll be adding when it's made.

Twilight sweatdrops and gulps as she probably doesn't want to know what Nintega meant by that.

The Nintega Guy: What I was coding though was an intro. . . and an outro.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now