The End

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Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha fell. The 2 known strongest shinobi died to the hands of Otsutsuki King Shinju.

The ground was punched by an enraged Shinobi.

"Why...Why do you have to die on me?"

Your eyes will shoulder the fate of this world.


He steadily got up, activating his Karma seal and Susanoo barrier.

"I'll kill them...Every last one!"

A horn grew. Another formed a golden rinnegan.

"If I was this strong...Why couldn't I save them?"

Shinju: It's quite simple.

Boruto looked up at the king hovering over 2 bodies.

Shinju: You couldn't surpass your fear. Fear of my absolute power. Fear of death.

Boruto chuckled evily.

"I may be afraid to die...But I'm definitely not afraid of you...

Shinju raises an eyebrow, asking him to continue.

Damned Otsutsuki."

Shinju: Tch.

"Vessel, You can only use this power for a short amount of time. Even if he is my lord, I will not allow him to kill you."

Boruto: That's quite nice coming out of you.

Boruto's feet crushed the ground and he clapped his hands together.

Boruto: Wood Style, Deep Forest Emergance!

Massive trees rose to the king in every direction.

Shinju: Oh?

Boruto threw a thunder god kunai abobe the king and teleported to it, his Susanoo shot an arrow covered with Amaterasu at the king.

Then, he sent a Shinra Tensei behind it so the arrow sped up. The trees and arrow hit the king simultaneously.

Shinju just chuckled evily, much to Boruto's dismay.

Boruto: Tch. I have a better Idea.

But before he could do anything, Code pulled a Black Zetsu and stabbed the king from the back. How could the king not see that?

Shinju: Isshiki's failed traitor!

Code: Please, I'm not a traitor. I'm simply taking what's mine.

He sucked all of the king's chakra instantly,
beginning to glow blue just like Kaguya when she sate the fruit.

Boruto: Shit!

Kawaki: Get back!

Boruto ran, picking up Sarada in the process and dashing away along with Kawaki. Then, a bright light crashed into them, making them fall.

A few moments later, Code was no more. At least the old one. He now changed, Jougan on on one eye and Isshiki's Dojutsu on the other. His skin was now pale, his old outfit gone and replaced by one's that look like Isshiki's. (I hope that looks good. It does in my opinion.)

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