Mary bit her bottom lip before standing up and walking over to robert, stopping him gently. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want ro robert; I just wanted you to know I care,'' Mary said, looking up at Robert before placing her hands on his chest. “I know what it's like to feel left out, unwanted… i don't want you to feel like that'' mary said softly, slowly sliding her hands down robert’s chest.

Robert’s breath hitched and he glanced down from Mary's face to the top of her breasts, feeling his face burn. Mary smiled before lifting robert’s head, “stay a while longer robert..'' Mary said softly, leaning up and brushing her lips against the corner of Robert's mouth.

Robert closed his eyes, feeling a bit breathless from her advances…

“A-alright…” Robert whispered, his hands naturally falling onto Mary's waist.

What was Robert getting himself into..


The next day, yes, Robert did in fact spend the day with Mary again, Robert rolled out of bed and rubbed his face. Robert stepped through the mess of his room and made his way to his bathroom to splash some water on his face until he heard Rita calling his name from down below. 

Robert sighed softly and trudged downstairs, wondering what she could possibly want. “Simon is on the phone dear, here” Rita said, practically forcing the phone into Robert's hands.

Robert stood there for a moment before lifting the receiver to his ear, “hello?” Robert said quietly.

“Finally you’re home- i've been ringing you for two days now, where have you been?” Simon's voice rang through, almost sounding peeved that Robert had been a little bit of a stranger. “Well, after lol left and you ditched me I left the bar. Wasn’t having fun, and being ignored by my friends wasn’t great either.” Robert said coolly, looking down at his feet.

There was a beat of silence before Simon sighed, “ok, sorry. Lol got drunk and i found him in the alleyway, and i was only gone for a little while-” simon protested. “No simon, you bought drinks for some girl and took her to the bathroom to fuck. That's what you did, so i did the same thing with mary.'' Robert said, leaning against the wall and picking at his nails once more.

“Mary? You were with mary- what do you mean?” Simon's voice said, sounding confused and worried almost. “I was having sex with her obviously, she’s pretty good in bed. Plus, weren’t you the one who said it would be good for me to sleep around- loosen up as you said?” Robert said, really giving Simon a run for his money.

“Well yes but..” Simon said, but trailed off. He was at a loss for words, he didn’t know Robert could be so cold, so sassy… it was kind of hot.

“So, is that all simon??” Robert said, forcing himself to sound a bit more relaxed since he didn’t want to anger Simon too much. “N-no… lol wanted to have band practice… should i pick you up?” Simon said sheepishly, but Robert had better plans.  “No, I'll ring mary. I'm sure she’d love to watch us.” Robert said, “goodbye.” He finished before placing the phone back on the wall and letting out a sigh, his chest feeling heavy. 

Robert rubbed his face before walking away from the telephone, starting towards the stairs until rita suddenly spoke up. “You might want to go easy and simon honey, you don't want to scare him off with your moodiness.'' Rita said, leaning against the wall and eyeing her son. “Yeah, thanks mum.” Robert replied in a sarcastic tone before trudging upstairs and locking himself in the bathroom to get ready for the shit storm that was probably going to be today.

Robert woke up in a sour mood, he knew he shouldn’t take it out on simon but…. He was just- irritated that Simon was so keen on slipping away with some girl. Was he really that forgettable to simon?

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