Break it to Make it

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Elodie's POV

I paced the room for just about the billionth time trying to find a way out but like always-I got nothing. I wanted to cry again but I withheld the tears that threatened to come out. I had been crying for the last oh I don't know few hours? I didn't feel like it anymore. But I felt so stupid! I had let Jesse fool me-I had even felt something for him. My body shook with disgust. I was such a whore.

Oh now Elle shut up! My wolf cooed, You didn't know.

But I should have. I whispered to her. She sighed in response. She had been trying to soothe me for the past restless three hours to no avail. I guess she was done trying.

I threw my fists against the wall in frustration-my hands doing nothing to the seemingly indestructable wall. I then fell the floor in a heap and began to cry-again.

I thought of the night that was to follow and my eyes widened at the thought of Jesse raping me. This caused me to cry even more so that I didn't hear my wolf as she tried to soothe me more. I began to pant and cry at the same time-which is not a beautiful sound if you didn't know.

ELOOOOODDDDDIIIIIEEEE!!!!! My wolf screamed causing me to whimper and put my head to the floor in pain.

"WHAT?" I asked her.

Gosh sometimes talking to you is like talking to a child. She began.

"Get to the point."

Jesse won't rape you so you don't have to worry about that. He has to change the mate bond before he can consummate the relationship so you'll love him when he marks you.
She said trying to relieve me. Sadly it did the opposite.

I pressed my head into the floor again and whailed-an even uglier sound-. How would I ever get out?

My head then rose as the idea dawned on me. I could take my life.

Aw hailll nahh you are the last heir in the Trace bloodline and you are not a coward. Plus there's nothing you can use to kill yourself. My wolf ranted.

"Ok Sharkisha breathe baby breathe." I said and we both started to laugh. A little happier I lifted my head up and immeadiately felt a rush of happiness. I saw my escape reflected right at me.

I had forgotten about the glass milk bottle given to me at breakfast and I guess that neither Jesse nor Jasmine had noticed it. I smiled as I walked to it and grabbed it before creating a plan in my head before I-as quietly as I could-threw it to the ground.

It broke into shards all around me and-after grabbing the biggest one- began picking the chain that encased my foot. The glass dug into my hand as I used it, causing a small river of blood to trickle down my palm and onto my wrist, but I didn't care, I just wanted out. Sadly it then broke in half-one piece flying across the room and the other remaining embedded in the keyhole. I slumped in sadness before noticing the little miracle that piece of glass caused. That little shard had penetrated far enough that it made the ring encompassing my ankle three inches wider. I smiled and began to pull my ankle out-only to result in the widest point on my foot catching on the last of the shackle. I groaned.

Break it. My wolf said.

"The lock? I can't. It's made out of some werewolf-proof metal-you know that." I said back to her.

Your ankle doofus. She responded.

"Will that work?" I asked her.

If you do it right.

"there's a right way to break a bone?" I chuckled.

Today there is. She said. Go to your bed and put your face in the pillow to muffle the sound-they hear you scream and we're done.

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