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Hey there!

If you'd like to request for me to write something, please do and I'll write it as soon as I can! I'll happily write any ship (as long as it isn't problematic, obviously), as well as fluff, angst and non-ship stuff. Please keep in mind when making requests that I haven't started V3 yet (speaking of which, please no spoilers for V3!), so for now I'll just be writing characters from the first two games.

There isn't really much I'm uncomfortable writing about, so as long as it isn't something messed up (being portrayed as a good thing) I'll write pretty much anything!

I'll put warnings at the start of each chapter. If I ever don't put a warning for anything that needs one (I hopefully won't make that mistake since I'm very careful about this stuff), please let me know and I'll gladly add a warning for it.

Thank you so much for deciding to read this, I hope you enjoy it!

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