i have no title... XD so much shit!

39 3 1

Rebelz: JEFF! *pushes him in the chamber with Offender* *eyes go black* no on opens that chamber for 24 hours. GOT THAT?!!! *eyes go back to brown* BEN lets go on a killing spree. *pulls a axe out thats bigger than him* im not a fangirl by the way ^ - *

BEN: oh good. I was worried. Well, anyway, lets go! *drags her through the TV*

Offender: oh hello dear.

Jeff: oh fuck help me!!! T-T

Me: No. Anyway we have moooore!

Silence: *derp* *opens Jeff's chamber* oops. *giggles*

Jeff: *looks at Silence weirdly* oh well. IM FREEEEEE!!!!

Me: you just wait till she gets back she'll be real pissed off that you did that.

Silence: oh well.

Izzy: anyway we have dares.

Dare 1: Luke has to act like Zero from Vampire Knight for a whole chapter hehe.

Dare 2: we dare Mikey to dress up like LJ.

Luke: who is that?

Me: i have no idea... ANYWAY! MIKEY HERE YA GO! *hands him costume*

Mikey: *changes* how do i look?

Silence: marvelous!

Me: crazy hot!

LJ: yayyy twinsies!!!

Me: that was the second most gayest thing ive ever heard.

Mikey: True, well anyway thanks!

Toby: -_-

Me: babe its alright geezus. Anyway we have even moooooore

Cynny: im a lonely loner.

Calum: no your not you have me!

Cynny: shut the fuck up no one cares!


Cynny: anyway... I HAVE DARES! :D

Dare 1: i dare all the slender family to join the lovley chapter.

Dare 2: i dare LJ to eat one of EJ's kidneys.

Dare 3: i dare you to be creepy as hell.


Slendy: what did you do!?!?


Slendy: oh dear.


Slendy: my anger towards cynnamon.

Cynny: ^_^

Trender: still wearing that god awful suit i see. Well, its nice to see you slender.

Slendy: yeah. You too. -_-

Offender: well, well, well, if it isnt the least favorite from the group.

Slendy: shut up. At least i dont rape people you rapist.

Luke: theres more!?!

Izzy: yep!

Calum: i think splender is my favorite.

All: same.

Splender: Splendid!!!

EJ: touch my kidneys, and you die...

LJ: OH GOD OKAY! *Runs away*

Me: well, i thought i already was creepy with this god awful face of mine...

Jeff/Toby/Hoodie/Ash: YOU ARE NOT UGLY!!!

Me: alright alright geezus!!! Well here it goes....

*makes face creepy AF and crawls up the walls on the ceiling whispering crazy devil shit*

All: o-okay t-thats enough. You can come down now....

Me: alright! *jumps off ceiling turning back to normal* comment yo shit i love you!!!!

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