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" why don't you just give up? We've been doing this for so long. Aren't you tired of it?"

" IM NEVER GONNA STOP. Not until I defeat you! When I kill you I'll take over the world HaHaH!"
Anti exclaimed, Eyeing down dark with a murderous gaze.

Dark scoffed, he really was getting tired of this. Basically every month it's just the same thing, they argue witch leads to fighting, THEN they part ways for a few weeks and then the cycle continues. It was frustrating. Dark sighed and then slowly started walking away. Anti look at him with a questionable face.
" uh- where are you going?! Aren't you gonna fight me?!!"

" I'm Leaving. I got more better stuff to do then to fight you"

Anti hissed. Can't believing what's happening right now, this isn't how it's supposed to go..Anti gritted his teeth. He then glitched a knife out of thin air, running/glitching towards Dark, getting ready to stab him in the back.When all of a sudden a gush of wind send him flying back, Anti landed onto the ground hard, feeling his lungs and back stung in pure agony.

He coughed and groaned, he slowly stood up while seeing Darks hand extended out, with a angry look plastered on his face.
" what did I just say? I don't want to fight you anymore"

" you weakling! Why are you trying to run away all of sudden?! Huh!??Are you scared that I'm gonna win and kill you?! "
Anti yelled while trying to walk off his pain on his back. Dark snarled .
" of course I'm not running away. It's getting boring fighting you. Let's just stop this and never see each other again"

Anti only rolled his eyes while taking deep breath's to try and calm down his racing heart beat.
" keep rolling your eyes, you might eventually find a brain"
Dark remarked. Anti only growled and ran back towards Dark again with his knife extended out.

Dark was gonna send him back flying again, but in a flash Anti came glitching out of nowhere and pushing him down to the ground.
Dark grunted, from the impact. Anti huffed while straddling Dark.

With Anti's knife pressed up at Dark's throat, He had him.
He could kill him at this very moment.

He'll win...

But he couldn't.

A smirk curled onto Dark's face, he whispered.
"What's the matter Anti? Don't have the balls to do it?"

Anti look at him in the eyes before pulling him for a kiss. Dark's eyes widened in shocked, what's happening? Is Anti joking right now? Why is he kissing him? He felt Anti's hands on his face trying to deepen the kiss. Not knowing what to do, he closed eyes and kissed back while putting his hands on Anti's sides.
Anti could feel butterflies in his stomach, he felt happy, he never felt this emotion in awhile. He wanted to do this for so long. Anti pulled back slightly and took a breath before kissing Dark again.

Until he felt a sharp dagger enter his lower hip. Anti gasped and then felt his body get pushed to the ground, he slowly look up to see Dark hovering over him.
" you're pretty disgusting, You know that right?" Anti only felt tears roll down his face. Dark didn't waste anytime to stab Anti in the chest multiple times.

Anti didn't feel anything, he just laid there watching his blood oozing out of his body and seeing Dark's angered face.

Okok so I got inspired by this one person on TikTok @lovelymassecure
They give me this idea so prompts to them BUT I hope you like this because I sure did!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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