Wasn't great in the first place.

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Setting: Seven and X arrived at a LCM 36 concert for the first time held at the park near them (not intended to be equation playground but sure)


-X's P.O.V-

Seven's taken me to another concert, Surprisingly enough, to a new band we haven't seen in person yet. Unlike the last 100 times, same songs same band. According to Seven, the band wasn't new to this place and isn't unknown here but they've only recently been discovered by Seven. It's a small band of three, It was LMC 30 or something, I didn't bother learning names since I never paid attention to the concerts because I would just space off and wish I wasn't there. And... As much as I hate to admit, I was too short to see over the large crowd anyway. The concert had just begun and the music is... decent, It's something I don't usually like, most of the time, Seven went with screamy music. however,that's not the reason why I hate going to these concert's. It's not the loud music surprisingly, It's the people that get on my nerves. Screaming and shoving, spilling drinks, mosh pits, giving people headaches, being assholes. Though, never the less, I like to dress up for these occasions. Usually wearing somewhere along the lines of a simple red bow tie and a coat. Not completely formal but preppy. The drinks here are okay, I just had a small glass of wine I had brought for the public cooler. Not that much of a fan of alcohol but I'd have a sip now and then. If it wasn't obvious enough, I dread going to these. For a few reasons other than the one I mentioned earlier, the main one is the fact Seven would get lost in the wave of drunk idiots and mosh pits while I was stuck being surrounded by strangers singing and screaming to the top of their lungs with the lead singer, who I actually admired this time for their taste in music, though I just never bothered looking at the stage for again, height reasons. Suddenly, I was slammed to the grass floor spilling my drink, being elbowed from the back. I flipped over so could get up to apologize and leave to another less crowded area when I saw Seven bruised and bloodied from the drunken mosh pits they'd caused towering over me. 'Deep breaths, They'll say sorry and put up an act this time and yada yada.' I thought panicked to myself reaching out my hand so they could pull me up on my feet. *Smack!* my palm stung a bit, Seven smacked away my hand... 'Damn, of course.' I thought unamused and unsurprised. The sound of the slap echoed and had gained attention from the people that were around, my brows furrowed, I was too tired for their absolute bullshit right now.

-3rd person P.O.V-

The People A.K.A. the drunk idiots they were with, all around started chanting "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!" lazily in unison. Seven was strong but X tried, If they had a chance to throw hands back it would be now. X was fed up with the way Seven treated them when it was just the two of them. Besides, they already look beaten. X stood up throwing the first punch, weakly hitting Seven in the side. They retracted their arm and nervously laughed as they gulped, they were in deep shit now. Seven swiped at X's face with one motion of the backhand and X falls. 'Right back on the ground.' X thought holding their cheek, Seven dropped to their knees, straddling X. They flinch at the sudden drop but relaxed a tad when they realized Seven looked sloshy, their movements suddenly weaker. But Seven's straddle started to squeeze, they couldn't escape their grasp. Seven clenched their hand making a fist, X took note of this and desperately tried escaping, whether it be scootching away or clawing and gripping at the grass. Now cletching the cold green plants as they looked up, Seven punched X where their nose should be. The people started screaming and rooting for Seven, the fight continued until X was bloodied. Someone let out a blood-curdling scream when X started to phase in and out of a concious state, people started to freak out and pulled Seven off X, They were quite literally beating X to death. strangers still holding onto Seven. X managed to shake themselves out of a loopy state before completely passing out and got up, picking themselves up, and began to freak out and panic with sensory overload and huge sudden pulse of pain, X could barely wrap their head around what was going on. X started to scream at Seven about their behavior in front of the crowd they had gained, unaware that they were still in public and that what they were saying wasn't normal to go through, gaining more numbers attention. "YOU F-FUCKING ASSHOLE." X screeched and stammered through their anxious cracking and faultered voice, they hadn't realised they've been crying the whole time. "YOU ALWAYS DO THIS AND I GET STUCK WITH THESE RANDOM ASS PEOPLE, YOU'RE ALWAYS THROWING THESE TODDLER FITS AT HOME. AND NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE VIOLENT ONES HERE?" X continued their rant, people started looking at each other with confusion, sympathy for the variable, and hatered towards the Seven being held back. "I-I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU, I SHOULD'VE DONE THIS YEARS AGO, WE'RE OVER SEVEN." X finally had enough anger and adrenaline to hit with force, *BAM* X punched Seven at an angle that made their non-existent nose make a cracking sound. Seven's 'nose' started bleeding, brows furrowed angrily, eyes half-lidded glaring at X and yet cracking a smile as they licked away the blood dripping onto their upper lip. People now having to hold back X too but they managed to break free with force and a shrug of the shoulder as they winded up their arm back for another swing at Seven, Too busy to realize the music had stopped.

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