grasping for stable land

705 31 34

(Tw, thoughts of suicide, mild self harm, stong language)

The voice came the one that came when i attempted the first time tho this time i don't think i can fight it.

I stared scratching aggressively at my arms causing them to start bleeding.

Do it no one loves you
Join eret be with him you will be happier


I stared hysterically crying trying to make the voice go away. I kept scratching my arms which were now covered with scratch marks and blood. I can't do this anymore i need to get out i need to be free.

Think rationally ok?

A new voice? This one was nicer

Go get phil go he will help you

I listened to the voice, i slowly got up i was still crying and walked to my door. I opened it then walked to phils room. I was shaking really bad and my arms were numb, i manged to knock twice on phils door before my legs gave out and i began to cry harder and heave for air

No one cares about you

He won't come out he don't care if you die.

I heard 2 little knocks on my door, i looked at the time it was 2 am. I sighed and got up but as i got closer to the door i heard, crying? The person behind the door seemed in distress. I swung the door open and saw ranboo on the ground crying and heaving for air, his arms were bloody and he looked over all a reck. "Ranboo hey mate what's wrong" i crouched down and reached my hand out he flinched away. I came to the conclusion he was having a panic attack "ok ok ranboo can you look at me and tell me what color my hair is?" He slowly looked up 'blond' (bsl) i smiled "good now what color is my eyes?" 'blue' (bsl) i nodded "and my shirt?" 'Green' (bsl) his breathing was less ragged but his eyes were still full of tears "ranboo what wrong" i looked into his eyes what i saw hurt my heart, he looked absolute broken 'the voice came back and was telling me bad stuff and putting bad thoughts in my head' i gave him a curious look 'but a good voice told me to come to you before i do something i regret' he stared tearing up and gave me a hug. I gave him a big hug back, when he looked up he signed something that made me want to cry 'if you had not answered i may not have been alive for much longer' i looked at him "r-ranboo?" He stared crying and hugged me, he just kept signing sorry over and over again. "Its ok son i will always love you i am so so proud of you for coming to me instead of doing something irreversible" ranboo smiled and sleeply nodded, i helped him up and into my room i wanted to keep and eye on him so i let him sleep in my bed. He was out in less than 5 minutes. I sighed what he had said really made me sad that he was going threw such tough stuff but at least he knows he is not alone. I grabbed my phone and called badboyhalo "come on come on please pick up" then a groggy bad answered "hello?" "Bad thank you so much for answer its uh its about ranboo" bad sounded alarmed "is he alright?" "Now he is can you come over later today we can talk about it" "yeah i will be over a noon sound good" i nodded "yeah thanks have a good night" i hung up and went and sat by ranboo. I will protect him at all costs.

I walked down stairs to get some water and almost screamed when i saw nihachu down there "geez niki you sacred me" she laughed "is everything alright phil i woke up to ranboo crying i was going to check on him but i heard your voice" i sighed "he is fine for now thanks for the concern nihachu" she smiled and walked to the living room. I looked around for a minute then grabbed and apple, then i walked to the living room to see nihachu sitting in there reading with a little lamp on "good night nihachu make sure you get some sleep" she nodded and i went back up stairs. When i walked in i saw ranboo awake and he looked panicked "ranboo what's wrong?" He shakily pointed to the corner of the room. I turned around, i immidently dropped my apple......


Cliff hanger mwhaha

Anyways im sitting in the car at McDonald's my sister gots a job interview so yah for her!

Drink your water
Don't hurt your self
Bind safely
Keep living

All my pogchamps are super valid and beautiful

Have a wonderful moring/afternoon/night

As the world caves in (a ranboo adoption au)Where stories live. Discover now