A human?

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The sun begins to shine through the window. The birds start chirping and my loud ass alarm goes off. Great. As I reach over to turn off my alarm half asleep I noticed the cat got.... bigger? Much bigger.

As I reacher farther for my phone and turn the alarm off I hear a whimper under me. I froze. I look down and see a man with black hair opening his eyes and looking at me.

What. The. Fuck. I jump back and sit on the bed staring at the person in shock and confusion.

"How did you get in my house!?" I say grabbing a bat from the side of the bed and pointing it at him. He looks at the bat then back at me, then be starts laughing. I just look at him confused and he notices.

"You don't remember bringing me in" he says tilting his head and raising his eyebrow at me smirking. I look at his black hair and hazel eyes. He has the same colors as the cat.

"H-how?" I saw lowering the bat.

"I've always been able to do that. I trusted you. You seemed genuine, so I let you help me."

I went quiet. I thought about the rumor but brushed it off. It still didn't seem to bad and I could use someone around the house with me. Though I didn't even think this was possible.

"Hello??" He says

I look up at him.

"Sorry, I'm processing this. Do you have anywhere to stay."

He looks me in the eyes and his goofy facial expression changes to a kind of down one.

"Do you want me to leave...?" He says playing with the bedsheets.

"NO...no- I was just a-asking. You can stay here, it's fine!" I quickly reply as he looks back up at me and smiles.

He was preety cute, I wasn't gonna lie. The black bags under his eyes made him adorable but I wasn't gonna get carried away. I just became aware of his existence.

"Do you have better food then that?" He gestures to the the dry cat food I left in the bowl. I sigh and stand up.

"Yeah, it's some food in the kitchen. Come on"

We walked to the kitchen and I made him some cereal as he bounced up and down excitedly. Once I gave him his cereal I went back to my room and got ready for work.

I was tieing my hair up when he came into the bathroom and looked at me in the mirror.

"What's you name?" I ask him. He picks up a comb and starts combing his hair.

"Alexander hamilton, you can call me Alex" he says grinning.

"John laurens, just call me john. I'm gonna go to work, you'll be fine here by yourself?"

"Awe, I wanted to hang out.." he says looking over at me and pouting.

"After work, okay?" I say after a small laugh.

"Fine, I'll be okay" he says

I ruffle his hair and walk out the bathroom sliping my vans and and grabbing my keys.

"If anyone knocks on the door, don't answer it." I open the door. He comes out the bathroom and nods at me smiling.

I walk out the apartment and walk down the stairs. Definitely won't be lonely alright.

As I get near the job I see my friends laf and hercules sitting at the table outside.

"Ah, mon ami, hi" laf says noticing me and waving. Herc also turns around waving. I walk over and sit at the table with them, I still had few minutes until my shift.

"Hey guys, you're here early." I say smiling at them.

"We wanted to tell you about the party tonight at the Schuyler's house. It's gonna be so fun and peggy really wants you to come." Hercules says. I thought about telling them about Alex and declining but they were all my closest friends. I guess I could introduce Alex tonight.

"I guess I'll be there, can I bring a new friend?" I say standing up.

"Sure bro, we won't mind." Herc says.

"We'll pick you up at 8?" Laf say drinking his lemonade.

"Yep, see you guys" I say walking into the shop and waving them off.

Alex pov

I was laying on the couch in silence when I hear a knock at the door. I ignored it at first but they started banging and now I was freaking out. Should I answer it? I was bored and had nothing better to do. I answer it and it's a girl with long brown hair standing there. She looked preety angry.

She looked me up and down and scoffed. All I had on was one of johns t-shirts. It was big on me so I just left my shorts on.

"Who are you and why are you in johns apartment." She looked at the shirt. "And why are you wearing his clothes.

I didn't reply. I just looked her up and down and scoffed.

"Who are you and why are you at john's apartment dressed like a barbie doll" I say looking at her confused.

She frowns and stares me in the eyes.

"You better leave john alone, he's mine" she says pointing at me.

"Since he's yours, you should know he's at work." I tilt my head at her. She looks me up and down one more time before walking away.

Well that was weird. Must be john's girlfriend. I felt a pull and sence of jelousy when thinking that. I didn't know why. I close the door a sit on the couch waiting for john to get home. I wonder why he helped me. I guess I should ask him when he gets home.

John's pov

As I walk out of the coffee shop and set off to my apartment, I see martha walking my way. Great.

"John!" She yells as she stops me.

"Yes martha..."

"Who was that in your apartment!? Is that your boyfriend or something" she says putting her hands on her hips. Of course she went to my apartment today.

"Why does that matter to you? Were not together anymore, piss off."

"I thought we were gonna work things out? Why are you doing this!" She says tearing up and balling up her fists.

"You cheated on me martha! Besides I'm gay!" I cover my mouth. I didn't mean to say that.

"What?" She says in confusion.

I walk around her and set off to the apartment. I see an outfit in the window of a shop and think about it for Alex. I walk into the shop.

Why not?

Ha wow. This one was preety long. 👁️👄👁️

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