Karens fucking suck. Period

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Sunny Protection Squad 4:59 pm

Kel: im bored

Aubrey: same

Sunny: too bad for you

Sunny: im doing homework

Aubrey: thats way worse

Sunny: at least its not boring

Kel: its way worse

Sunny: hey leave me and my hw alone

Aubrey: do u actually enjoy doing hw ew

Sunny: its a good distraction from reality, aside from sleeping

Kel: if... if u say so?

Basil: If you're all really that bored, you can come to my house!!! Polly would love the company!!!

Aubrey: im too lazy to even move rn

Kel: yea and im taking care of sally rn :')

Basil: Oh bummer :(

Sunny: oof

Hero: Then do you guys mind me if I just yell about what just happened?

Kel: wait huh

Basil: What happened????

Hero: Entitled woman at a god damn Target.

Sunny: so a Karen you say

Hero: A what?

Basil: A what???

Aubrey: a Karen™ is that entitled bitch who thinks she can get away with anything

Sunny: Some are known for also being racist, homophobic etc.

Basil: Wha-

Kel: Karens™ usually have this very weird short hair to the side and have this 'cAn i spEaK tO uR mANAgEr" attitude

Hero: ...Okay that is exactly the kind of person I encountered today.

Aubrey: LMAO what did she do

Hero: She thought I worked at Target...

Hero: I was wearing a hot pink shirt.


Hero: How the hell did she think I worked there.


Sunny: b r u h

Hero: Even when I told her I didn't work there, she didn't believe me and asked for "my" manager...

Basil: Well that's rude...

Hero: I know, right?!

Hero: Long story short, she got kicked out of that store for throwing a tantrum.


Aubrey: B R U H

Kel: karens are the dumbest people on earth istg

Sunny: I second that

Kel: pog

Basil: ...W o w

Basil: That reminds me of this guy I saw in the flower shop the other day...

Sunny: must be that karen's husband or smth

Aubrey: LMAO

Kel: tf he do 2 u

Basil: He didn't do anything to me, I just saw him yelling at my manager about something stupid...

Hero: How stupid was it?

oh boy what have we gotten intoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang