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"Nothing truly valuable arises from ambition or from a mere sense of duty; it stems rather from love and devotion toward men and toward objective things."
Albert Einstein

"Let me out," Tommy yelled, slamming a weak, pale fist against the dark purple obsidian of the box that kept him trapped. His claustrophobia clung to his skin like an itch, begging for attention long after the scratching caused pain. Tommy couldn't sit still, body slamming against every corner to look for an escape. Clumps of his hair laid at his feet and his skin was a pale red from the scratching, a few thin marks from where his nails pierced his skin to draw blood.

"Please!" Tommy screamed once again, sliding down onto his knees from exhaustion. His stomach trembled with noise from hunger pains. His throat felt like it was bleeding, raw with slime oozing down the sides from his insistent screaming and dehydration. His body was vibrating with adrenaline as his eyes drooped from sleepiness and brain was being muddled by paranoia. With Tubbo recently betraying him and Dream murdering him before bringing him back to life, Tommy was at his lowest point. In his broken state, a voice crept in from the abyss.

Łēt më îń

"Fuck," Tommy whispered to himself, leaning against the wall. Was it always so cold in the room? He could have sworn the Egg underneath his feet was always pulsating with warmth. Now, it was leaving. Tommy wanted to sleep now. He reached another hand towards the opening, but his hand went numb from exertion. Tommy stared at his arm, not feeling anything below his shoulder.

Čæñ ÿøū hėæęr mê?

"No," Tommy said, knowing the familiar whispers that clouded what little rationality he was clinging to. It was the Egg, breaking through Tommy's immunity.

"I can offer you anything you desire, Tommy," The voice was much closer, clearer, and feminine. Tommy craned his neck around to see a woman floating right before him, highlighted by the obsidian background. She had a puffy braid of dawn pink hair resting on her shoulder with concerned amber eyes that stared down with empathy. They wore a tight red dress with black gloves and bare feet, red vines coiling around her waist with small leaves sprouting out. She touched Tommy's cheek, her warm hand providing affection that Tommy didn't hesitate to lean into.

"I'm hungry," Tommy whispered, body relaxing against his better judgement. He was a goner. She seemed so kind, and her pink hair reminded him of Niki back when she was his sister and not his attempted assassin.

"I can do much more than provide food," The woman said as she leaned onto her knees, holding a hand out to the gap in the wall. Slowly, a vine crept in. A leathery leaf bloomed outwards, curling out of the vine. The woman plucked the leaf, the plant resembling a bowl that held some sort of orange juice. The woman held the end to Tommy's lips, letting the boy sip the soup. When he closed his eyes in content, the woman brought the leaf bowl into her lap. "What is that you truly want? Power? Fame?"

"I like you. Will you stay with me?" Tommy collapsed against the woman's shoulders, nuzzling into her neck when she placed an arm around his shoulders. She had the warmth that he lacked. He wasn't conscious enough to be aware that he was purring similarly to a feline.

"In exchange for loyalty, I will stand by your side," The woman responded warmly, she looked down at him with a soft sigh. "You're eyes are beautiful. It would be a shame to turn them... perhaps we can settle for your hair?" The woman let her hand go through Tommy's waves, some of the strands turning bright red to contrast his golden blonde. A single streak of silver stubbornly persisted. It was the mark of death, she knew.

"What's your name?" Tommy asked, relaxing under the care like ice cream in the July heat.

"Hmmm... I suppose I don't have one. You can give me one," The woman said, leaning the wall as she brought Tommy closer to her. When he fell asleep, the woman faded into the air.


"Who are you?" Bad spat, netherite sword in his hands. Ant was right behind him the a pale blue trident in his grasp. There target was a woman who sat on the largest Blood Vine that slithered across the floor, the leaves hanging from the roof framing her body against the magnificent Crimson Egg. The woman lifted a hand, the weeping vines grew rapidly downward, grabbing the weapons before lifting them back up. Bad stared with shock, "Wha...?"

"I am nameless. I am the remnant of the creature who was meant to hatch from the Egg. I have taken a human form in order to appeal to the minds of all these humanoids. I chose female because I have a specific target in mind to condemn," The woman explained. "Within that box is Tommy. He is my objective, and will soon become my prize."

"Why? I thought we wanted Tommy dead," Ant asked, deep red eyes blinking slowly as he took in the information. Bad seemed distrustful, but without their weapons, the woman had the upper hand in the situation.

"We did. But that's when I realized the truth. Tommy is responsible for change. He has a power that not even the fake gods of this Server don't have. Once he is mine, we will spread the influence of the Egg far and wide. We will be at our most powerful, and I can spread the peace you both asked me for," The woman said with a smirk. Her entire tone darkened at the mention of 'fake gods' but she lightened up immediately.

"Tommy doesn't have powers," Bad said, but his tone left room for questioning.

"Of course he does. He is the spark of change. He has the power to imbue objects with real power. He is the literal manifestation of attachment. He can create talisman. It has been some time since I've met a Mage capable of that sorcery," The woman said, stepping onto the ground. "You may not realize, but people, places, and objects that Tommy is attracted to gain spiritual energy that I'm compatible with. His discs, two pieces of vinyl that played music, were able to shape this Server. Why do you think that was? Tommy. Dream was as powerful as he was because Tommy had trusted and feared him. Once Tommy lets me in, the Egg will gain enough power to kill those that stand in our way."

"The fake gods?" Ant asked with a tilt of his head. Bad shot him a look, noticing the shift in mood. Tension spun thick in the room. Magma blocks started bursting with lava, the vines grew longer and thicker. A wave of heat rolled off the woman as she glared at the doorway, somehow looking past the walls at her targets.

"The traveller, the rose, and the totem will all die. I shall not let those minor gods disrupt my rule. I am close to awakening the wither rose, but I'd rather kill her then deal with it. That traveller interfered with me once before, but I was able to remain strong. That totem thinks he can defy me, but he will perish alongside his brethren," The woman laughed, a deep and full giggle that traveled out of the room, piercing the hearts of every member of the Server.

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