The wonder

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liam i hear this loud noise of feet and they sound like heels there is no way that it is laurel it is nearly 1:30 in the morning is she really coming home this late what they hell happened on that damed date i get up and walk to the stairs and i see her walking up she is trying to be quiet but that clearly did not work she just walks past me and does not say a word she just goes in her room i follow her and she looks at me like she dose not even like me she then says 

Laurel shouldn't you be sleep why are you in my room get out

i did not expect her to talk to me like this she is normally sweet what the hell happened tonight she looks diffrent.

Laurel Did you not hear me get the fuck out 

Liam hold the fuck up you come in this house mad late and your bring disrespectful like what the hell is your problem like chill the fuck out ( I am know in her face )

Laurel What is my problem my problem is you and the fact that you are in my room and you had me thinking that you slept with my best friend

Liam I didn't and your dating my friend you guys probably fucked already like a skank

Laurel raises her had to smack liam but he grabs her arm

Liam Really

Laurel Let go of me

Liam NO

( liam pulls her closer they are face to face now )

Laurel i can't stand you i hate your your such a asshole

( she is cut off by liam )

Liam shut up

Laurel kisses him and he kisses nut they slam the door closed liam slams her body hard against the door their tongues are intertwined against each other but then their is a knock on the door laurel pushes liam off of her and she answers the door it is Colin 

Laurel answers it 

The vacationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora