Father? PART 14

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It had been 1 week after Angelas arrival and she was really starting to get to me. Every time she saw BEN.. her face would turn all the shades of red and pink! If she thinks that she can steal MY BEN THEN SHE BETTER WATCH HER BACK!!! God what is wrong with me? It is not like BEN will pick her and ditch me.

"I am getting a migraine just from thinking about it" I mumbled to myself as I was walking around the dark forest. The bright moon shone down upon me and it really made the place beautiful! Call me crazy but I prefer the forest more than the usual back garden that everybody has.

I had been walking for 20 minutes or so until I came to a stop.. Silence... God my mind is playing tricks on me! SNAP! My eyes widen at the sound of twigs breaking and I instantly retrieved my knife from its case.

"I mean you no harm. I wouldn't hurt my own kind now, would I?" A dark mysterious figure spoke from within the shadows. My eyes squinted to try and get a better look at this person but to no avail.

"Who are you?" As I said that.. the figure walked out of the shadows to reveal a tall man with many mouths on his body that glowed a bright red along with his eyes. His skin was pitch black and he had two horns coming out of his head. The only recognisable clothing he had was a long Cape that trailed behind him like an obedient servant!

"What do you want from me?!" I scowled as he approached me and he was way too close for comfort as he put his strong hand onto my shoulder.

"I want my daughter back" He said in a cold voice that sent chills up my spine.

"Well... where is she?" I asked, trying to sound as nice as possible which was really difficult!

"I'm staring right at her" My eyes widened at his shocking reply as his Red eyes locked with mine.

"Your not my father! My father is human and was very abusive to me!" Tears nearly poured out my eyes from the sudden memory of my cruel parents.

"I will tell you everything soon enough.. but hear my warning! On your birthday, depression will consume you.." After those words came out of his mouth the figure disappeared into black and red smoke that slowly vanished into the thin air. My mind was racing and asking the same questions. Who was he? Am I really his daughter? What will happen on my birthday...?

"Could my life get anymore complicated?" I whispered to myself as my feet dragged across the forest floor and the occasional crunching of leaves.

The mansion doors came into my line of sight as my head lay low and I remained deep in thought. The door creaked open as usual when my hand came into contact with it. The first thing I see is BEN and that bitch Angela playing video games so I decide to clear my throat to retrieve their attention. Their heads both turned in unison and I received the occasional growl from Angela and a sweet smile from BEN.

"I missed you" He whimpered as he pulled me into a death hug and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"I missed you too my prince" A smile appeared on my face as I gazed into his beautiful red eyes. Gosh how could I resist those eyes? Except... how am I going to tell BEN about the mysterious demon I met in the woods that was apparently my real father. Or was it all a lie?

"Child, I sense there is something bothering you.. Please tell me what is troubling you" Slenderman confronted me as me and BEN stopped embracing each other in deep hugs.

"Well Slendy.... I met somebody in the woods... a demon in fact" I tried my best to get those words out of my mouth because I had been desperate to tell Slenderman this ever since I got back to the mansion!

"Describe him for me.." Slenderman was starting to seem on edge and after a decent amount of time that I spent giving a very high detail description Slender seemed to be startled.

"What is wrong?" I asked out of pure curiosity and fear.

"Child, the demon you met earlier was no other than Zalgo himself.." Slender carried on giving me reasons to why Zalgo was such a bad figure to be around and why I should try my best to not listen to anything he has to say.

"I understand Slender, I will do my best to stay away from that monster!" I replied as I slowly made my way up to me and BEN'S room.. Hopefully the days won't go by slow because of this..

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