Chapter 1- Miss Lucy Graham

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Adrianna's POV

I always dread coming home after school the most. Even after Amelia, the Queen Bitch always trying to make my life a living hell, I prefer school over staying home. You are probably thinking that I'm crazy for liking school, but what am I supposed to do after going home just to be beaten by my so called mother? She hates me for something I never did. I don't even know what that something is.

I went inside my house only to be invited by my oh-so-favorite smell of alcohol. I stepped carefully not to wake my mother, or as she likes me to call her Ms. Graham up.

"Where the hell have you been you bitch?" And there she is. The mother every mother should never look up to. The mother who hates me because I exist. Who separated me from my twin.

"I am sorry for being late Ms. Graham. I had a school project to work on with Mark." I replied carefully thinking about every word before saying it.

"How dare you answer me back? Shut up and quickly make my dinner before I get mad." she shouted

"Yes ma'am" and with that I went to the kitchen making dinner for Lucy. Lucy Graham has had drinking issues since I was 9. That was the reason for her and dad's divorce.

I made rice and curry which I was obviously not going to eat. I had bread and butter like every night.

"Here is your dinner Ms. Graham. If there is anything else you need please tell me." I asked as politely as I can.

"Just go away. I don't want to see your disgusting face. I am really tired. Go clean my room and it should be done before I finish my food" she demanded like always

"Yes ma'am" I said and went to clean her room.

After cleaning her room, I went to finish my homework. I am not the best student. I get into trouble a lot because of either missing school too much or for being late. Its always because of the injuries I have. I can obviously not go to school with the injuries so I skip, and because I have to clean the whole house before going to school, I am almost always late. Mrs. Shawn told me that if I don't finish my homework even one more time I will receive detention which is horrible. Because if I do get detention, it would mean I will be at least an hour late and Lucy would be mad as hell. Even picturing her that angry makes me shudder with fear.

"You bitch. Come here right this second before I break those horrible hands of yours" Lucy yelled from her room making me think about every thing she asked me to do. I am sure I finished everything she asked me to do.

"What is wrong madam?" I asked her

"What is wrong? What's wrong is that you can't do anything right. I asked you to clean my room properly. What is that over there? You left that piece of glass over there. You want me to cut myself with that so that I can bleed to death and you can go back to that brother of yours and you can both share all my property. You bitch" she yelled

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. She has no property left. She sold all of it to get the money for alcohol. She had a lot of property about 7 years from now. That was all the money she got from dad. She actually took about 75% of his earnings which is a lot considering how much he had. And now she is left with nothing but this apartment we live in.

"I'm sorry ma'am. This will never happen again. I will quickly clean this up." I quickly said while snapping out of my thoughts.

"You slut" she slapped me and then pushed me on the wall making my head start bleeding. Great. Just great. Now I have another injury to hide. Luckily, today is Friday and I don't have to go to school tomorrow.

She took the piece of glass and carved it through my hand making me wince from pain.

"Clean it up and get out of here. Right. This. Second." She once again yelled. I quickly
cleaned it up and went to my room looking for the first aid kit.

I looked at the cut from both the glass and the wall and noticed that the one on my hand will need stitches. I saw that Lucy was sleeping so I took my jacket and got ready. I knew Lucy won't wake up until 8:00 am unless someone wakes her up.

I went to my best friend Mark's house. He is like a brother to me. He has been my friend since I was 11. A year after I was separated from him by Lucy. That was when we moved to Utah. I met Mark at my school. Even after being famous, he is still friends with me. He found out about Lucy when we were 13. He saw my scars and started getting suspicious. Two days after that he came to my house without telling me only to be invited by the scene of Lucy using me like a punching bag and me bleeding like hell. After that I told him everything about my life. He has been trying to convince me into letting Matt- Mark's older brother be my legal guardian. But I want to wait till I'm 18 then go to live with my dad. I know he had to give up on me because I chose Lucy over him.

Matt is also like a brother to me. He is really protective over both me and Mark. I had to make him promise me into not telling the police about Lucy. He is a doctor which is quiet lucky for me since he always helps me when the injuries are bad.

I knocked on the door and....

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