One [Dear Nameless]

Start from the beginning

"Ten," They start.

I look at Lilly and she smiles.

"Nine" we join the countdown this time.


I close my eyes and count in my mind.







I really wish to get the chance to see him again.

After chanting my wish, Lilly turns to look at me and hugs me.

"Happy New Year!"

"Too bad we don't have a new year's kiss, uh?" I playfully made kissing noises, puckering my lips out to her and she laughs.

And the rest of the night—well, morning perhaps—went by smoothly.

I go back to my room to sleep.

But at one-thirty, Lilly started bugging me.

"Harper!" She commands again and again.

I softly mumbled "mhm?"

"Harper!" She tries again. Well God bless America for having a such persistent citizen.

I sit on my bed, crossed legged.

"What?" My eyes widen at her holding up a yellow post-it.

My post-it!

"Who's him?" She seriously asks.,

"Hey, give me that!" I demand, standing up and trying to get my wishlist from her.

"Not until you tell me who this guy is."

"Fine, but you tell me what's in your wishlist first." I smirk.

"Fine. Well, i've only got one wish and it is for my boyfriend to live here at Miltreeve. With us." She confidently answers.

"You have a boyfriend?! And you didn't tell me?!" I freak out. "I keep telling you about him, but you keep zoning out." She defends.

"What's his name?" I ask. "Names are not important. Now, who's him?" She counters.

"Names are not important." I bit back.

"Tell me about him," she smirks.

"Fine!" I say in defeat.

"Before you and I saw each other again, which was summer after junior high. At eighth grade, I met the guy. We're together till first year of junior high. I left him without warning, without goodbyes, without saying anything. I left him to study here at Miltreeve with you." I explain unclearly and by passing uncontrollably fast.

Her brows crunches up in pure confusion.

I sigh exasperatedly.

And I explained everything.

Here's the thing,

Lilly and I have known each other ever since. Though, at fifth grade she and her family left for her to study at Miltreeve. I was left at Caiwood.

Believe me, it was a total torture at first since she's the only friend i have but it changed when he came. I was in eighth grade, and so was he.

He became my closest friend, until it turned to something greater. We spent every second together.

Then one day, a letter from Lilly came. It was a letter to invite me to study with her. I was so excited that leaving him didn't even crossed my mind. I was positive with it.

I didn't told him anything about it. Days passed until its time to go, i don't want to say goodbye to him, tears will mark scars in his heart. He had a rough past, but the truth is that i didn't want to say goodbye (since i promised not to) to him because i want to see him again, hold him again, hug him tightly.

So I left.

It's been a year since i last saw him.

Now you might be wondering who is him? Just like Lilly said: Names Are Not Important!

"Why did you keep it from me?" She pouts, pulling off a cute face.

"How is narrating my past lovelife supposed to help me move on?" I sarcastically reply.

"It might though." She says, trying to find a way to outsmart me.

"You're never gonna outsmart a girl like me." I smirk.

"Playing geek, aren't we? I know that you hate math!" She scoffs, waving her hands in a matter of fact-ly.

"So what's math got to do with this?" I furrow my brows in confusion.

"A girl like you plus a boy like him is equal to a perfect match!" She moves her chin upward and waves her hand like joining a pageant (which she might have done before, by the way) assumingly satisfied with her come-back line.

An engrossed expression crawls its way to my face. I yawn and say:"And that was supposed to entertain me, because?" Teasingly.

"Go to sleep and dream of your guy without name." She walks to her bed across from mine and pulls on the blanket.

"Dream of your guy without a name too." I answer.

Little did i know what was really going on...


Hello! So, i finally posted the first ever chapter for Dear Boomerang. This chapter is unedited, Sorry for the errors. Leave your comments and vote your little hearts out. :)

x layne

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