(BakuDeku) Different Rituals

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Fantasy AU. Characters are around the age of 20.

A young blonde has been traveling for a long time but he doesn't quite know for what. For the past year or so, he has seen lots of things. Some were scary like gigantic, fire breathing, dragons trying to kill him, while others were magnificent like large crystal caves that shimmered in the dark without the help of the sun. He's also encountered a few weird things like flesh eating plants or filthy trolls but nothing he couldn't handle. He was strong, handsome, intelligent, and determined. He could do everything and anything but there was one problem.

He wasn't born like any ordinary human being, in a village full of people where they were happily going about their day without a care in the world. No. He was born with only the support of his two parents and the dangerous forest. That was how he had become all these amazing things. He had to learn to fight and never back down or scavenge for food even in the stormiest of weathers. Another problem that had arisen from that, was the fact that he could not speak.

He could neither understand nor speak the language other villages used. He could only muster grunts, huffs, growls or any other affect but never words. His parents could understand the village language but only a little.

So here Katsuki was on another adventure on his own, on the look for something other than trees, flowers, rivers, beasts, and other creatures. His treks were getting boring. It was saddening that his parents had passed away but he never knew from what. He had just woken up one day with both his parents... gone.

Katsuki grunted in pain when his foot had stepped on a sharp rock. He sat down for a bit before listening in if he could hear some sort of stream or swishes of water. Luckily, there was so Katsuki got back up and started walking in the direction of the water. Right before he could even go near the flowing river, he heard something else. It was a voice along with some loud rustling and snapping branches. He quickly hid behind a tree and waited for the pass-byer to go away.

But, Katsuki felt captivated by the voice. He quietly peeked his head away from the tree and his eyes stared at the figure that sat right at the edge of the river, a few feet away from him. He watched as the person there placed their bags down onto the floor and cupped their hands in the water before splashing it on their face. He leaned on the tree further as he inspected the person.

They had an all green outfit with brown pants and black boots. He also had dark green hair and when his face was in view, katsuki had his full attention. The boy had large green eyes and dots scattered on his face, more prominent on his nose and cheeks. This boy was like nothing katsuki had seen. All the passers he'd seen always wore dark clothing or they were ragged and brown. Everything was plain but this one was much like katsuki.

Both wore bright colors, unnatural natural hair, eyes full of color, and were both explorers of some sort.

Katsuki couldn't help but wonder if the boy was one of his own kind considering they were the same, yet so different. Nonetheless, he knew he had to make sure to keep this mystery boy under wraps, for now. He looked around himself before looking up at the tree and grinning.

Izuku, on the other had, was just about getting ready to leave the beautiful stream. He had to quickly find somewhere to camp out at for the night considering it was getting late. He gathered his things and proceeded to continue down his pathway.

However, he could feel like he was being followed and it creeped him out, making him walk in zig zags and getting into denser woods. Eventually, he didn't feel the same creepy feeling, and walked a few more miles before settling down in a small opening, about six feet wide in length. He placed his things down and set up a place for him to rest. It was getting dark, and quick. He ignored his hungry stomach and proceeded to lay down in the soft grass, his bag being used as a pillow while a large green blanket covered his body, the color purposely used to blend in with his surroundings.

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