Chapter 1 part 2

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Yin pov

I informed Rimaru that I felt something was off and that I would fly around to check on things

Rimaru: Just be careful Yin. I don't want us to be separated again

Yin: Relax Rimaru I'll be fine. Besides, I have Great Healer and Great Protector

Rimaru: Ok just be back in 4 days ok

Yin: Yes sir! (Salutes)

Rimaru: Pft ok get going enough joking

And with that, I took off to survey the forest of dura

I came across a village and landed just outside of it

I felt something appear behind me and a knife put to my throat

???: Who are you and what do you want?

The voice was deep and cold. I could tell he was a guy because he was a little bit too close

I flushed red at the thought

Yin: Um my name is Yin, I'm from a village nearby. I was surveying the nearby area and I found this village

???: How do you have a name?

Yin: My friend, the leader of the village where I'm from gave it to me. And sir mind backing up a bit I'm flattered really but you are a little too close to my butt

I could hear the surprise in his voice and desperately tried not to laugh

???: M-My apologies

Yin: No 'hard' feelings
(A/n: I just cringe writing these)

Yin: What about you do you have a name?

???: Monsters usually don't have names

(A/n: To avoid confusion, I'm just gonna write their future names for now)

Souei: Well since you came here to survey. Why don't I give you a tour

He was blushing slightly how adorable

M/n: I would be honored

Me and Souei started to walk through the village


Souei's pov

His skin was so soft and I saw no imperfections on him. And he had a slight smell of lavender

Benimaru: Who is this?

Souei: This is Yin he was surveying the forest and came here so I'm giving him a tour

Benimaru: So you're letting an outsider learn about us. He could use it to find weak points

Yin: I have no interest in doing so I felt sinister energy and I am merely trying to find the source

Benimaru: Well then I hope you won't mind if I search you then.

Yin: Do what you must


Yin's pov

Holy shit this is scary. But holy shit is this guy's hot. Those toned muscles I wonder how he looks no stop that Yin you cant think pervy right now


Benimaru's pov

For someone who looks so frail, he's pretty fit. He would look nice under me

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