Chapter 26 - Ride back home

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Tessa's POV:

"I'll drive" I ask grabbing the keys from him... "unless you don't want me to drive your car"

"No it's alright, but will you be comfortable.. driving like this?" he hesitates.

"I did drive all the way here, didn't I? I'll be fine" I sit in the car.

He huffs and sits down the passenger seat.

I hate to admit it but I've missed his car. Even though he wouldn't let me drive his car.. I missed this scent and the warmth.

"It's a long drive. We can exchange whenever you please" he says in a low tone.


"What were you thinking? Coming all the back way to Pullman alone?" And he begins.

"I don't need to explain myself to you. I needed to some time to myself, in peace.. and this place gave me more peace than libraries"

"You could have asked me to drive you here-"

"I said I needed some time and space from you. I had to think about everything going on in my life" I snap.

"And how did you know that my due is March 21?" I ask.

"I- uhm- I calculated. I took an approximate guess just to shut Molly up" he says and I believe him for now. "Is it really 21 march?" he looks at me.

"Don't act as if you care. I know very well that you don't give a shit about all this" I wave on hand in air and hold the steering with other.

"Tessa I do care! Sorry.. Tessa I want to change for you. I want to be a part of our daughter's life"

I take a sharp breath "I don't know Hardin. 7 months back you couldn't even bare the thought. How do I believe when a guy like you says that he wants to be a part of a child?"

He sighs. "Before going away for 3 days, I stopped by Ken's house to take my car. I had an argument with Landon and I stormed out. Ken.. Well Dad met me on the way out, and we had a little chat. He was actually helpful. The talk made me see things more clearly-"

"You expect me to believe that?" I scoff.

"Yes. Fuck I did talk to him. I- I was going to leave and never come back again. But talking to him opened my eyes-"

Hardin's POV:


I get out of the house and Ken bumps into me.

"Son? What are you doing here?" He grabs my shoulder.

"I- I just came to pick up my car. I'm leaving"

"You are going to Tessa right?" he asks.

"No. I'm going far away from here. I don't deserve her. Everything's my fault"

"Hardin. I cannot imagine what you are going through. First with your mom and now the same thing with Tessa.. you want to talk about it?"

"No I fucking don't. It all repeated again. I am you. I left her. And this happened" I sit down the porch.

He sighs and sits down beside me. "Hardin- listen to me. I know what happened is terrible. Terrible. but you don't want to repeat the mistake I made. You leave her now and you will regret it for the rest of your life. You shouldn't run away like I did. Like a big coward asshole. Do you want your kid to go through what you did? The hate you had for me? It ruined your life didn't it? Do you want it for you child?"

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