With one shake of my hand I stop the wind, the sound silencing drastically.

I try not to show my smile as I turn around to face the line again.

Veronica is the next one to step up. She flips her hair behind her head and turns to look at me, a wicked smile slowly curling across her lips. She opens her palm and small bolts of lightning start to curl around her fingers, growing larger the longer I stare at them. They're mesmerizing, almost.

In a matter of a second, she creates a small ball of electricity that grows even larger the more she concentrates on it. Then she shoots it straight for the X on the dummy's chest, burning a hole right through it. I stare at the hole and my mouth drops open. If I lean down slightly, I can see straight through the dummy's chest to the wall behind it. A Freak extinguishes the fire with their ability, but the hole is still present, black and slightly smoking.

Without Veronica even having to indicate towards the dummy, I watch as my own lightning forms around my fingers. I tell my mind to create a ball just like she did, and it complies. My mind seems to disconnect with what I want it to do, because the ball of energy glitches like an old computer would. But I push my mind harder, ignoring the strain and the sweat gathering on my forehead, and create the ball again. With this ability, I feel the power more in my heart than anything else, like the currents shooting around my veins are the only things keeping it beating. I shoot it into the dummy's chest as well, just a few centimetres from where Veronica shot hers.

Mine wasn't as powerful. But it was enough.

Veronica taps me once on the arm and turns back to walk towards the line. "Better luck next time, mate," she says sarcastically, a little laugh escaping her lips.

I don't reply to what she says, feeling my jaw clench around the words I would've said if there weren't fifty pairs of ears listening to every word we say.

The rest of the Freaks show me their powers and I copy them just as easily. I don't bother putting in much effort with the last group, but I still manage to succeed anyway. Using half of my abilities is as easy as letting out sigh. Just a little bit more training and I'm sure it will come naturally.

I must admit, it does feel good to use my powers, but it hurts afterwards. The exhausted pain I feel is something akin to when I train with Nathan, but more on my mind than my body.

Sigma announces the end of the training session, and I swear I hear a few of them let out excited, quiet noises. I ignore them, since I'm also glad to be leaving. After spending most of my years alone, it's hard to stand in front of everyone and be put on the spot, the way Sigma always does.

As I continued to copy the abilities of the Freaks as the days passed, I made sure to have a less conspicuous seat in the main room. I was able to have the two seats in the corner of the hall, far from where Sigma originally placed them. It made me feel better, plus it made the other Freaks calmer, since they aren't being pressured or put on the spot.

I make sure to avoid the Freaks as I head for my living quarters, clicking the door shut behind me and slumping down onto the floor, the medical box from before sitting in front of me.

I close my eyes and concentrate on the lessons Serena taught me over the past few days. During that time, I was able to lift the box easily, with only the barest amount of struggle.

I block out all the noise around me, focussing only on the box. I detect the push and pull in my mind intensely as I feel my internal grip on the object tighten. I keep my hands in my lap, urging them to stay put as I use just my mind. My head pounds but I ignore it. My neck strains from the tension but I push the pain away.

My breath locks in my throat as the box lifts from the ground. I open my eyes to confirm it. The whole thing is hovering a good distance from the floor, even with the other objects inside.

But I can tell it's starting to be too heavy for me. I feel the box starting to slip from my mind's grip, threatening to crash back onto the ground—

And then I lower it slowly, even though it hurts.

I let out a heavy breath, my constricted lungs expanding slowly as I exhale, inhale. I can't believe it did it. Even Serena can't do this. She says it puts too much strain on her mind. It did for me as well, but it felt... good. Useful.


I kick the box back under the bed and rise from the floor, a strange feeling working its way into my chest. It's the same feeling I felt after the abilities were transferred to me. I don't know what it is. I can't even tell if it feels good or not.

I think I'm just about ready to start the mission. I still have a few weeks left, but I feel like I can do it. I push the lingering anxieties to the back of my mind, curling my hands into fists and feeling the power course through my veins. I focus on that instead.

As the feeling of the energy in my blood burns just that little bit brighter, I can convince my mind that I will be able to start this mission and push through it without hesitation.

I will not let those Soldiers up above kill any more Freaks. Not if I have anything to say about it.

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