The morning after

Start from the beginning

Feeling a bitter taste on my tongue, I grimaced. That didn't feel right. One night wasn't that.

Dammit, it was just supposed to be...Shit.

Finally, glancing over at the clock on my nightstand, I read 8:03. I needed to get up before Roy or Kori came busting in, ready to ream my ass for being late again.

My body didn't even flinch at the thought though. My concern moving to the body, somehow still sound asleep against me. I didn't want to move. Dammit, what the hell was wrong with me.

Before I could explore that thought further, I felt Tim stir. His hand squeezing mine as he stretched his body out, drawing in a slow deep breath, before his eyes started to open.

I laid still not even daring to breathe as he gained his bearings. My arm slid away from him as he sat up, his hand moving to rub at his eyes and face.

I watched his sleepy expression turn to confusion as he looked around my room, obviously, like me, not remembering at first why we were here.

He grew still, glancing down at his body and gasped, grabbing the sheets and pulling them up to his chest.

I took the opportunity to shift from my position and sit up, leaning against the headboard.

My movement seemed to surprise him, as his head whipped back to look at me. Shock now covered the confusion, as a blush crept across his cheeks.

Clearing my throat a little, I let my gaze travel down his body before I spoke. "Morning." I watched his mouth open then snap shut three times, before he finally spoke. "Um m-morning."

His sleep laced voice sent a chill down my spine that I definitely wasn't used to. Yet, it wasn't unwelcomed.

Huffing out a breath, I tried to think of what to say next. Morning conversations were not something I was particularly good at. Hell, as far as I could think, this was my first one with someone I'd spent the night with. "So...Tim right?"

Stupid. I'm an idiot. Kill me now.

He slowly nodded, running a hand through his messy hair. Hair that had me drooling. How the hell was everything about this kid so perfect?

"Yeah...and you're Jason...holy hell." I couldn't help the grin on my lips as his eyes widened and he looked down at himself again. "I slept with Jason Todd."

Normally, I would have laughed at someone saying this to themselves, but I suddenly had the urge to comfort him and assure him he was okay. The sight of distress on his face made me want to punch a wall.

Drawing a blank face, I swallowed down the intrusive thoughts that were trying to figure out why the hell I felt this way, and instead, I laid a gentle hand on Tim's shoulder.

"Hey, you okay?" His eyes were on my hand immediately, then, slowly following up the length of my arm up to my face, stopping once our eyes connected. "I um...I think I...okay?"

Furrowing my eyebrows tightly in sudden confusion, I tilted my head to the side, starring at him for a moment befor letting out an "Ah!" When I realized he was asking about the sex.


Damn, he was perfect.

The memories of hips on mine, moving in perfect sequence, high pitched moans and hands running greedily through my hair, heated kisses that I was sure left both of our bodies and mouths bruised, flooded my mind.



This kid was everything I'd ever hoped for in bed. Maybe...maybe even more.

A gruggle caused both of us to look down at his stomach. The distraction was happily accepted, because I honestly didn't know how to answer his question.

Not yet anyway.

"Breakfast?" It took me a moment to realize I had asked that and not him and he nodded slightly. "Oh, um yeah, that would be great actually." He seemed to relax a little, his shoulders slumping slightly and his grip on the sheets around him loosening.

"Right. Okay." I reached over to the intercom beside my bed and pressed the small grey button. "Carla? Could you send two trays of food to my room please? Um." I turned to Tim, who was watching me intently. "Did you want anything specific?" When he shook his head, I nodded and left it at that.

Carla answered back almost immediately, letting me know she'd have the food up soon.

After thanking her, I turned back to Tim, watching his expression change as his eyes wandered around my room.

I almost felt...embarrassed. Not many strangers saw the inside of my estate, let alone where I slept. The only other guy that had ever been in my bed, and even at that strictly in a platonic way, was Roy. Usually when he wanted to have one of his 'girl talks'.

Still though, the want for him to know more personal things about me, boiled in my chest. I wanted him to see my room. To see where I slept and kept my personal life.

Lifting my hand up to my heavily pounding heart, I sighed out, my eyes never leaving his figure. "F*ck." Dreamy eyes were suddenly on mine "Yes please." Just as soon as the words left his mouth, I heard his teeth clack as he snapped it shut.

I knew my expression matched his, as I watched the burn of a blush spread over his face. My own redness stretched up to my ears, burning my skin as we locked eyes.

Suddenly, though not fast enough, I reached forward, dragging my hand through his hair, stopping at the base of his neck and pulling him to me.

Our lips met eagerly as his arms dropped the sheets to grab at me almost greedily. One wrapping around my neck, while the other stopped at my chest, a flat palm resting on my right peck.

My grip in his hair tightened momentarily to pull him closer, earning myself a surprised breathy gasp. A noise I hadn't been expecting, but one I definitely wanted to hear more of.

With his lips parted, I took the opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth, tasting the reminisce of a fruity alcohol and pretzels from the night before.

A taste that I immediately cemented in my brain. Nothing I could think of at the moment, had ever tasted so sweet and savory. So damn good. My moan made sure to confirm that.

My limbs seemed to have a mind of their own, as I used my free hand to grab his waist, pulling his body closer and up onto mine, till he rested on my lap. His legs rested rightly on either side of my hips.

He was smaller than me, which wasn't that surprising, and he managed to fit into my body like a puzzle piece. A perfect match.

I felt my mind go fuzzy and didn't even realize he had taken the lead, till his tongue was in my mouth, finding every crevice and tasting everything he could.

It was perfect. Easily the best kiss I'd ever had. I was worried though, things might be getting out of hand.

I wanted to pull back. Assess the situation. Figure out what the hell I was thinking, let alone doing. I never had a round two after waking up. Yet, I couldn't stop myself. I wanted more of him by the second. I never wanted his hands to leave my body.

As confusing as this was, I decided before the universe stopped this little fairy tale, I might as well enjoy it with everything I had.

Without any furthur hesitation, my arms tightened around him as I rolled us over. Letting my weight press into him just enough to know he definitely wanted this too.

Screw breakfast.

I craved only one thing. Something I never thought I'd ever even scratch the surface of. I wanted him. All of him. Everything he had to give.

Mio Amore Rosso Where stories live. Discover now